Just a quick reminder for everyone to check their insurance plans prior to visits to the doctor and pharmacy. Failure to do so could result in a lengthy conversation over the amount owed! Therefore, insurance plan documentation should be kept in a safe, but accessible location. Having knowledge of copay/coinsurance amounts helps minimize the element of surprise, once it's time to pay up ;-)
Another tip that can help ease the flow of visits to the doctor and pharmacy include access to the most current formulary or menu of drugs for each insurance company. Patients should take a copy of the most recent version of their insurance company's formulary with them to doctor's appointments. That way, when the physician or health care provider chooses a medication regimen, both the patient and physician can discuss the best options for the patient.
When physicians are made aware of medications covered by insurance, they are better equipped to help patients meet their medical needs. In turn, patients' knowledge of their insurance coverage can make for a more successful pharmacy visit, too!
In other words, make sure your physician is writing prescriptions for you that ARE covered by your insurance plan. Otherwise, expect a delay at the pharmacy and an overall more expensive price on your prescription label ;-)
Then, you may go on, more efficiently, about your day!
Another tip that can help ease the flow of visits to the doctor and pharmacy include access to the most current formulary or menu of drugs for each insurance company. Patients should take a copy of the most recent version of their insurance company's formulary with them to doctor's appointments. That way, when the physician or health care provider chooses a medication regimen, both the patient and physician can discuss the best options for the patient.
When physicians are made aware of medications covered by insurance, they are better equipped to help patients meet their medical needs. In turn, patients' knowledge of their insurance coverage can make for a more successful pharmacy visit, too!
In other words, make sure your physician is writing prescriptions for you that ARE covered by your insurance plan. Otherwise, expect a delay at the pharmacy and an overall more expensive price on your prescription label ;-)
Then, you may go on, more efficiently, about your day!
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