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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sex Change

We all have heard of sex change operations. However, the average person is unaware of the medical codes and billing associated with the procedure. Yep! There are medical codes within patient medical records that are used to report sex changes to insurance companies and other organizations for purposes beyond billing, such as data collection and risk assessment; how else would we know the number of sex changes performed each year, which regions of the country performs the most surgeries, or how long patients live post-operatively!

The amount of money paid to the operating physician or medical facility, however, depends on a number of factors, including the medical codes submitted to insurance companies and whether insurance covers the procedure. Coverage by insurance companies is likely to be determined by the diagnosis. In other words, if the surgery is medically necessary, it stands a better chance of being approved, than if it is not.

Regarding the insurance and paper work aftermath, the average person is probably unaware of the details included in a sex change (Intersex Surgery), as well. For a male, the procedure is obviously an intensive ordeal. For example, a prostatectomy (prostate removal), which may include a meatotomy (incision along the penis), and removal of lymph nodes below the navel and around the thighs, is included among various approaches that physicians may use to convert a male into a female.

In females, a sex change is intensive, too! A vulvectomy (removal of vaginal lips and clitoris) and excision of Bartholin's glands (ducts that secrete vaginal wetness), in addition to removal of lymph nodes in the groin area.

All I'm saying is...Anyone who chooses to go this route, please-please thoroughly think it through, and interview as many surgeons as possible before making a decision. Meanwhile, I'm sure the physicians involved are making sure that adequate resources are provided and utilized by sex change patients, as they undergo such a life-changing experience.

Judge not, lest ye be judged ;-)


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