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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Crackheads, beware!

Guess what I heard!!!

The crackheads are NOT going to like this very much; and let me expand on the target group, which is not "crackheads" alone, but all drug abusers and drug addicts, particularly those who abuse drugs like oxycodone and hydrocodone.

Apparently, drug manufacturers are joining the forces against misuse, overuse, and overall abuse of opioids, such as codeine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone. When drug abusers find out that the flushing sensation that they are experiencing from ingesting too much of their opioid of choice is caused by a vitamin (niacin), they're probably going to feel betrayed; as strange as that sounds, I do not see any of this going very well for the abuser. Yeah... they're probably going to throw a tantrum, when they figure this out.

Another issue is the nasal irritation they're going to experience from trying to inhale it. Apparently, that nice burning sensation is due to an added deterrent (sodium lauryl sulfate) that will, hopefully, help yield a positive outcome = less drug abuse, due to irritation and inconvenience.

Oh, and IV pushers, we don't want you to feel left out! When you try to inject it, the high you normally get probably won't happen because the effect has been blocked, such as with the drug Suboxone (see attached presentation).

Well, I was just itching to make this announcement! So, I'm glad I got it off of my chest. To peruse the attach presentation of details, provided by our... YOU GOT IT! THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, the FDA ;-) You should CLICK on the title above (Crackheads, beware!) to view it.

As always, thanks for stopping by!

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