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Monday, March 3, 2014

Progressive or Regressive?

She's pushy!  She's mouthy!  Who does she think she is?!?  She needs to be put in her place!

I have been notoriously accused of all of the above, mostly because I tend to speak up. We don't have to accept that which is given to us, according to what others think we should have; negotiate or lose.

"Well, if you keep quiet, you have a better chance at things getting better." My response? I've tried that, resisting conflict and just "playing along," but things usually turned out worse than when I speak up.  So, I say to all women, be aware! "SPEAK UP and FIGHT for what you deserve!"

Which leads to my question... Is the United States really PROGRESSIVE or is it more REGRESSIVE? Based on current and historical behavioral tolerances, such as harassment, the United States (and its government) has proven itself to be more regressive than progressive.

For this reason, I applaud those in Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram (India) for their efforts to empower women against sexual harassment in the workplace.  Even in a country (India), where women's rights are known to barely exist, an effort like this is being promoted.  Yet, here in the United States, where women's rights are supposedly fundamental and basically an entitlement, we are still shunned by Corporate America and our government for reporting and otherwise resisting harassment.  Then comes reputation-bashing and name-calling... "Trouble-maker, pushy, mouthy..." and the list goes on.

Why is this important?  It is important because sexual harassment in the workplace is an issue that has affected me since I was a military service-member.  It was a terrible thing, then.  It is a terrible thing, now.
I am a woman, and I stand against any form of oppression.  NEWSFLASH: I am not going away ;-)  

Thanks again for stopping by.  Don't forget to come back and see me, soon!

CLICK HERE to read about Female foeticide in India.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Harassment of any type should not be tolerated. I'm a Dad. I relate to what you said above. As I contemplate my daughter -- I too get a little angry & feisty. I am grateful we live in the USA--- nothing against India, but, a culture that does not value people & treat all with dignity is flawed.

Chill & have a great day y'all:)
