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Monday, November 28, 2011

SEX: A weapon or a benefit

Today, on the Michael Baisden Radio Show, Michael is discussing various issues related to sex. Some of those included women using sex as a weapon.

One of my sources reports that sex promotes quality sleep, which contributes control of weight and blood pressure. Sex can also help relieve stress, boost your immunity and strengthen muscles used in sexual activity! Oh, and ladies, you’ll need to come up with another excuse, because the “headache story” has been blown out of the water ;-) Apparently, sex causes a substantial release of oxytocin and endorphins (which makes you feel high) that help reduce the feeling of pain, once you’re done having intercourse, and hopefully reach an orgasm.

Personally, I believe that the “sensible” woman would never use sex as a weapon, although it may be perceived that way when she doesn’t respond to sexual advances because she’s simply NOT aroused. So, why isn’t she aroused? Who knows! But it could have something to do with her partner failing to make her feel special and significant. The bottom line is, when a woman feels appreciated and loved, she is more likely to shower her partner (husband) with all the loving he can handle. A courtesy facial may even follow!

Remember, love is motivating ;-)
Click the title above (SEX: A weapon or a benefit) for additional details.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Semen on face=good complexion?

Rumor has it that male ejaculate (semen) is a good source of protein that improves a woman's complexion, when ingested or rubbed into the skin of her face. Sorry guys, but I have yet to find any "reputable" support of this theory. Though there is quite a bit of information circulating that relates to various cultural views of semen used on facial skin, I am now forced to perform more extensive research. Expect a write up on this, shortly ;-) However, it will only be posted for subscribers to view, so sign up now!

See ya'll soon!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I'm a lot happier this Thanksgiving than I was last Thanksgiving (2010)! Hope you are, too. Let's be thankful for the little things now, as well as the big and little things to come. Thank you Lord!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Blinded by ageism

Supposedly, size, race, and age do not matter. However, in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, size, race, and age can make all the difference. My latest article, "Blinded by ageism" is now available. Subscribe & check it out!

Friday, November 18, 2011

What if you had no blood left?

There is a medical condition called, "Myelofibrosis," that interrupts the production of red blood cells. Since your blood cells are produced within your bones, in what is referred to as "Bone Marrow," what do you think would happen if your bone marrow was replaced with scar tissue? Of course the answer to that is bad news. Does it affect you or your loved ones? Maybe. So, I published an article about it and you can read alllllllll about it by subscribing to my work using the gold button on the right side of this page (SUBSCRIBE).

See you there!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Subscribe to my work using the gold, oval-shaped button on the right =>

Now, you can subscribe to the full text my published articles and other documents that I write by using the SUBSCRIBE button on the right of this screen. The information will help improve your knowledge of various health issues, while also keeping you abreast to current events. Besides, I know you all have been wondering where "the rest" of the details are ;-)

Take care and I look forward to seeing you in my "Inner Circle" of VIP's!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

To circumcise or not...

Personally, I think all men should be circumcised. Take a look at this article that I wrote about male circumcision, and tell me what you think. Soon, you will be able to subscribe to all of my articles and other papers ;-)

Click on the title above ("To circumcise or not...") to view my article on circumcision.