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Monday, September 5, 2011

It's Labor Day! Work on your breath!

Have you routinely noticed people backing away from you when you are talking?  If you have bad breath, it can cause people to be taken aback.  The foul odor, though it may be coming from your mouth, may originate from somewhere else.  For example, gastrointestinal disorders may cause bad breath.  Likewise, left over food on dentures and between teeth, failure to floss and brush your tongue, and even use of tobacco products may also cause bad breath.  Certain foods can cause bad breath as well, when they are absorbed into the bloodstream, which flows through the lungs, where foul odor can then be exhaled; onions and garlic are common culprits.  Another possible way to create a foul odor from your mouth is by wearing gold grills or permanent gold teeth, depending on the type.  As long as gold grills are worn intermittently, and oral hygiene is good, then bad breath may not be a problem.  However, depending on the type of grill or permanent teeth, bacteria can get trapped within the gold covering, which can create a foul odor.  A condition known as "Halitosis" is exhibited by similar symptoms, and can be diagnosed by a dentist or physician. 

Whatever the circumstance, causes of bad breath should be identified and corrected as soon as possible, as its cause may adversely affect your health. Once your condition is identified, treatment can vary, depending on numerous factors.  For example your tolerance for certain medications and procedures, cause and magnitude of bad breath, and status of your oral health are all possible considerations.  Ask your dentist to help you determine the cause and treatment of your condition.  If your dentist is unable to help, you may be referred to an oral specialist or physician.  Meanwhile, please remember to floss and brush your teeth and tongue after every meal.

Additional tips for oral hygiene can be found at

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