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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Avoid DUI Traps!

In case you remember me from my former life as a DUI Immobilizer, please know that this post is coming from a more PROACTIVE approach... Don't drink and drive- and don't ride with anybody who does. Tipsy Tow offered by AAA: You don't have to be a AAA member, from 6pm-6am on New Year's Eve/Day they will take your drunk self and your car home for FREE. Save this number... 1-800-222-4357. ~NO more excuses~

DEA arrests & BOOK #3

My goal today is to finish up another chapter in my third book, which is due to be published in February 2011! I'm very excited about that and my book signing party =) Meanwhile, I am also reading up on a few things, such as Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) arrests, as I prepare my mind to write another article. As I sit here, reading over my old notes on DEA arrests, I realized that I should share some of this with you all. I gathered some recent data from DEA to share.

Between October 3, 2011 and December 19, 2011, the following physicians and facilities were busted by the DEA, basically for improper prescribing and/or distribution of narcotics. Their names, offense, and date are listed below.

Oh, and if your doctor's name is listed, you might want to go ahead and call your insurance company and switch doctor's offices.

Barry M. Schultz, M.D.; Decision and Order (December 19, 2011)
Kamal Tiwari, M.D.; Pain Management and Surgery Center of Southern Indiana; Decision and Order (November 18, 2011)
Robert G. Crummie, M.D.; Decision and Order (November 17, 2011)
Silviu Ziscovici, M.D.; Decision and Order (November 17, 2011)
James L. Hooper, M.D.; Decision and Order (November 17, 2011)
Joseph Giacchino, M.D.; Decision and Order (November 17, 2011)
Scott D. Fedosky, M.D.; Denial of Application (November 17, 2011)
Treasure Coast Specialty Pharmacy Decision and Order (October 28, 2011)
Abelardo E. Lecompte-Torres, M.D. Decision and Order (October 28, 2011)
Aaron Gloskowski, D.O.; Decision and Order (October 28, 2011)
Linda Sue Cheek, M.D., Decision and Order (October 28, 2011)
Shawn M. Gallegos, D.D.S., Decision and Order (October 28, 2011)
David T. Koon, M.D.; Revocation of Registration (October 28, 2011)
Carlos Gonzalez, M.D., Decision and Order (October 11, 2011)
Robert Raymond Reppy, D.O.; Decision and Order (October 3, 2011)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Entitlement: According to you

So, your back hurts and you're having migraine headaches ALL the time. Or maybe it's your wrist, leg, or ankle. Whatever the ailment, maybe you're feeling like you're entitled to Social Security Disability. Well, according to Social Security Administration's (SSA) listings, maybe you do qualify!

Basically, SSA uses a list of diagnoses and corresponding qualifiers of each that serve as a set of criteria for determining whether an applicant is eligible to receive monetary benefits from the SSA fund. The process is usually lengthy, and can include a series of examinations, copies of medical records, and interviews. However, whether you qualify for SSA Disability benefits is not dependent on how serious you think your ailment is. As a former disability adjudicator, I can tell you that if a physician never documented your ailment in your medical record in a way that it meets a SSA listing, then you're probably not going to be approved for SSA Disability.

Furthermore, if you are receiving benefits for your child, who could otherwise function "normally," please stop telling them to "act crazy" when the social worker comes over for a home visit. The check might be helpful to you now, but the paper trail will only hinder your child in the future. Also, do realize that SSA Disability is not a retire plan! In other words, it's not an option for you just because you're tired of working. That's what 401K plans are for.

I could go on... and I probably will. But it will be an article specific for my subscribers. So, take advantage of the opportunity to subscribe to my work. I promise you will not be the same after reading what I have to say ;-)

To catch a glimpse of details about medical record documentation, click the title (Entitlement: According to you) above.

To subscribe, don't look "to the left, to the left," instead you will find the SUBSCRIBE button to the RIGHT of this post. Happy Reading!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Your size my fault

Okay, before I get going with this one, please understand that the intent of this post is to inform and promote awareness, so as to improve future decision-making... hopefully ;-) However, if the shoe fits, or in this case the condom, then sport it!

Sexual compatibility can make or break a relationship, as we all know. In fact, there seems to be some tension between guys who fit into Magnum condoms and guys who fit into Trojan condoms. Guys, please hear me out on this one... Stop giving women a hard time because of your "inadequacies." Chances are she identified your issue before you revealed it to her. Chances also are that she actually cares about you despite it. So, try coming to terms with it yourself, instead of taking your frustration out on her. Breaking up with her is probably not the most effective strategy. And remember, what goes around, comes around ;-)

Ladies... you know I love you all. Besides, I'm a lady myself. But I have to warn my sisters to stop treating men according to a hierarchy of size. Bigger does not mean better... More importantly, his ability to provide for you and protect you and the family is not dependent on his size. Guys, stop acting like the two (abilities outside the bedroom and abilities in the bedroom) are interrelated.

Likewise, guys... Just because you're extraordinarily endowed does not make you "The Man." There's more work to go into an actual relationship, other than what you can bring to the bed. Can you even change a tire? How about a light bulb?

Look for scenarios related to this topic in my next book, which is due to be published in February 2012, just in time for my book signing party on February 11th ;-)

Click the title above (Your size my fault) to view details of me, as an author, on

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sex organ work out

You've heard of the vaginal muscle exercises women do, right? They're called "Kegel" exercises; often referred to as "Kegels." At times, we could be looking right at you, while doing Kegel exercises. What?! You would've known the difference, anyway! Besides, men do them, too!

Kegler exercises are done by contracting and relaxing the muscles used to control urination. In other words, Kegels are basically done by attempting to urinate and then attempting to stop urinating, repeatedly. The muscle in question is called "Pubococcygeus." It stretches from the pubic bone, down past the anus, to the tail bone or coccyx, as we say in the medical field. The Pubococcygeus muscle also happens to contract when an orgasm occurs.

Research shows that performance of Kegel exercises improve premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and inflammation of the prostate gland. In both men and women, Kegels are documented as having helped helping improve urinary incontinence. In women particularly, research shows that Kegel exercises help ease the childbirth process.

However, since the topic of men's health seems to be kept hush-hush, I thought I would bring it up and reference more details to help promote a healthier dating pool ;-) Besides, the prostate gland facilitates orgasms in men => Orgasms are a part of sexual intercourse => which help reduce stress & increases intimacy.

As usual, it's likely that I will write a more detailed article on this topic, but you'll need to subscribe to access it.

Meanwhile, click on the title above (Sex organ work out) for additional details on men's health.

Enjoy the Christmas Season with your loved ones!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Breast cancer drug

The FDA announced another drug shortage today, and it affects more than 200,000 women recently diagnosed with breast cancer and MORE :-/

Subscribe to my personal library and access my articles such as this one and more. Besides, nobody else will research it and write it up for you! Which is why you should subscribe and make your request ;-)

For a glimpse at my work, click the title above (Breast cancer drug) can read my entire article about the shortage of a breast cancer drug there.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Epidural drugs

Epidurals, as we call them, are a group IV medications that are prepared in inpatient pharmacies, often with a narcotic analgesic drug that are is injected into the epidural space of the spinal canal.

The purpose of administering a narcotic analgesic drug into the spinal canal is to reduce pain and supplement general and local anesthesia, such as during childbirth. Just so happens that Haloperidol, which is commonly administered with Fentanyl, has also been reported by FDA as available in limited supply; Fentanyl is still on the short list as well. Oh, and by the way, these drugs are usually diluted in a fluid such as sugar water (Dextrose in water) or salt water (Normal saline) before it ever leaves the IV room. Such fun work, if I must say so myself!

Interesting, huh? Yeah, I thought so, too. That's why I announce this stuff, in the first place ;-)

Click the title above (Epidural drugs) for more details.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Pneumonia: A fatal contraction

Good Morning and HAPPY FRIDAY!

Pneumonia: A fatal contraction... That's the title of the newest addition to my subscription of articles♥ Gotta love the way my mind works sometimes!

Within the article I discuss some of the various pneumonia types and causes; believe it or not, there are different ways to contract pneumonia! The focus of my article is on the deception and danger of pneumonia, as the everyday person may see it as just a cold. Since pneumonia kills an overwhelming number of people every year, I thought you all should have access to a well-organized summary about such a common disease, for which there is a vaccine, yet millions are dying from it, right here in the United States. As usual, I'm available to research your questions and provide the information that answers them... just remember to choose SPECIAL PROJECT from the PAYPAL drop-down menu, on the right side of the page ;-)

The phrase of the day is "nosocomial infection," meaning an infection developed while hospitalized. Check your medical records...

Oh, and get to the doctor with that ugly cough (me included)! Take care & HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Down to the bone

Since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) announcement on November 19, 2010, there's a drug on the market called, "Xgeva" (denosumab), which is prescribed for the treatment of skeletal-related events (SREs) in patients with cancer that has metastasized and damaged bone tissue. Skeletal-related events include bone fractures caused by cancer and bone pain that requires radiation. Xgeva is not approved for patients with multiple myeloma or other cancers of the blood.

Let me know just how much more information you would like to have about this drug ;-)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Don't be so desperate!

Weight loss is quite a hot topic, nowadays. People will do almost anything, just to lose weight. Please don't let the desire to be thinner cost you your health.

Today, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) issued seven warning letters regarding unauthorized marketing of certain weight loss products. Part of the problem is a lack of reliable, scientific evidence to support the efficacy of weight loss products.

The pregnancy hormone, hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), is produced by the human placenta and found in urine of pregnant women. Currently, hCG is FDA-approved as an injection prescription for fertility and certain other medical conditions.

However, hCG is not FDA-approved as an over-the-counter "homeopathic" weight loss product, which is why FDA issued warning letters the manufacturers of such products. If manufacturers do not reply with a corrective plan of action within 15 days, criminal prosecution could be a consequence. Book 'em Danno!

If diet and exercise do not work for you, or maybe you're not sure WHAT to do. Contact your physician for advice. Whatever you do, please make sure the products you use are safe. Otherwise, where does the accountability lie?

Click the title above (Don't be so desperate) to read the FDA's announcement. To read my accompanying article on medical conditions treated by hCG and other details, use the yellow SUBSCRIBE button for access.

Remember, it's your health we're talking about!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Avoid teeth staining

If you're 30+ years old, then chances are a young child has informed you of the yellowing of your teeth! So, if you're a wine drinker, coffee drinker, or tea drinker... LISTEN UP! Here's a tip that I learned from Dr. Oz about helping reduce the stains on your teeth.

In between sips of your "teeth-staining-beverage-of-choice," take a few sips of water and swish it around in your mouth. Of course you should also, brush your teeth (with toothpaste) after every meal, whenever possible. But also know that when you fall asleep at night without brushing your teeth, you're allowing stains to set in overnight that may not respond to toothpaste in the morning :-/

Basically, clean your teeth, in order to have a cleaner mouth and avoid stains on your teeth! See a dentist on a regular basis. That way, if there are any dead nerves or vessels in your teeth, you can make necessary arrangements to keep your teeth healthy and stain-free.

Take care, and SMILE!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Help me help you!

Thank you for your faith in my abilities! I love what I do, and I am blessed to be multi-talented. It is my pleasure to provide administrative and educational support. Please help me help you, by utilizing the online payment options, when requesting my help. For further clarification, please e-mail me (; I'd really appreciate it. If necessary, I will even e-mail you a personalized invoice.

For resume and CV requests, please be prepared to provide a copy of the job or project description, in addition to details regarding salary, requirements, project start date, and company history with your request. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to help.

It's Friday, so make it a dynamic weekend and THANKS for stopping by =)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Threat of allergy sickness

An allergic reaction can cause serious damage. In some cases, an allergic reaction can result in an emergency room visit and even hospitalization. Well, now with a shortage on certain IV drugs, let's hope that sick patients don't get sicker. Today, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) announced a shortage on Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Injection (generic for Benadryl), commonly used in IV therapy for the treatment and management of hospitalized patients suffering from conditions, such as allergic reactions, anxiety, itching, or cold symptoms.

Hopefully, hospitals are adequately stocked with Diphenhydramine/Benadryl and sick patients don't get sicker.

A full article will follow, but only accessible to subscribers => => => =>

Have a dynamic day!!!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

SEX: A weapon or a benefit

Today, on the Michael Baisden Radio Show, Michael is discussing various issues related to sex. Some of those included women using sex as a weapon.

One of my sources reports that sex promotes quality sleep, which contributes control of weight and blood pressure. Sex can also help relieve stress, boost your immunity and strengthen muscles used in sexual activity! Oh, and ladies, you’ll need to come up with another excuse, because the “headache story” has been blown out of the water ;-) Apparently, sex causes a substantial release of oxytocin and endorphins (which makes you feel high) that help reduce the feeling of pain, once you’re done having intercourse, and hopefully reach an orgasm.

Personally, I believe that the “sensible” woman would never use sex as a weapon, although it may be perceived that way when she doesn’t respond to sexual advances because she’s simply NOT aroused. So, why isn’t she aroused? Who knows! But it could have something to do with her partner failing to make her feel special and significant. The bottom line is, when a woman feels appreciated and loved, she is more likely to shower her partner (husband) with all the loving he can handle. A courtesy facial may even follow!

Remember, love is motivating ;-)
Click the title above (SEX: A weapon or a benefit) for additional details.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Semen on face=good complexion?

Rumor has it that male ejaculate (semen) is a good source of protein that improves a woman's complexion, when ingested or rubbed into the skin of her face. Sorry guys, but I have yet to find any "reputable" support of this theory. Though there is quite a bit of information circulating that relates to various cultural views of semen used on facial skin, I am now forced to perform more extensive research. Expect a write up on this, shortly ;-) However, it will only be posted for subscribers to view, so sign up now!

See ya'll soon!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I'm a lot happier this Thanksgiving than I was last Thanksgiving (2010)! Hope you are, too. Let's be thankful for the little things now, as well as the big and little things to come. Thank you Lord!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Blinded by ageism

Supposedly, size, race, and age do not matter. However, in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, size, race, and age can make all the difference. My latest article, "Blinded by ageism" is now available. Subscribe & check it out!

Friday, November 18, 2011

What if you had no blood left?

There is a medical condition called, "Myelofibrosis," that interrupts the production of red blood cells. Since your blood cells are produced within your bones, in what is referred to as "Bone Marrow," what do you think would happen if your bone marrow was replaced with scar tissue? Of course the answer to that is bad news. Does it affect you or your loved ones? Maybe. So, I published an article about it and you can read alllllllll about it by subscribing to my work using the gold button on the right side of this page (SUBSCRIBE).

See you there!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Subscribe to my work using the gold, oval-shaped button on the right =>

Now, you can subscribe to the full text my published articles and other documents that I write by using the SUBSCRIBE button on the right of this screen. The information will help improve your knowledge of various health issues, while also keeping you abreast to current events. Besides, I know you all have been wondering where "the rest" of the details are ;-)

Take care and I look forward to seeing you in my "Inner Circle" of VIP's!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

To circumcise or not...

Personally, I think all men should be circumcised. Take a look at this article that I wrote about male circumcision, and tell me what you think. Soon, you will be able to subscribe to all of my articles and other papers ;-)

Click on the title above ("To circumcise or not...") to view my article on circumcision.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

E-mail your question to a bona fide physician

Ever wish you could just e-mail your question to a bona fide physician? Well, guess what? Now, you can. Contact Dr. Wesley Mills with your question by clicking on the title (E-mail your question to a bona fide physician) above.

Isn't modern technology beautiful?!

Epidurals available when you need it?

Personally, I am slightly intimidated by the pain that comes along with childbirth. So, I'm glad I've never been pregnant, especially now! One of the narcotic pain relievers that's commonly used to make epidurals, or IV medication administered through the spine, is called "Fentanyl Citrate;" as a Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT), I have made many epidurals for maternity units in the past. Well, the FDA reported more drug shortages yesterday, and Fentanyl was on their list. Certainly, hospitals are developing alternative protocols, in the interim ;-)

Good luck, pregnant ladies!

Click the title (Epidurals available when you need it?) above for FDA details.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Generic drug for Schizophrenia & Mania

According to FDA, generic equivalent of Zyprexa (olanzapine)and Zyprexa Zydus (olanzapine orally disintegrating tablets) were approved today! Indicated for manic depression and schizophrenia.

Manic Depression is reported by FDA as being exhibited by alternating periods of depression and irritable mood, increased activity and restlessness, racing thoughts, talking fast, impulsive behavior, and a decreased need for sleep.

Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder, affecting about 1 percent of Americans. It's reported as being exhibited by hearing voices, believing other people are reading their minds or controlling thoughts, and being suspicious or withdrawn.

For more details from FDA, click on the title (Generic drug for Schizophrenia & Mania) above.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Anti-HIV gel for women!

A vaginal gel that reduces a woman's risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)?! And it's even more effective against genital herpes as it is HIV?!

Yes, it's true.

The name of the gel is "Tenofovir Gel." It works by penetrating the skin and disrupting an enzyme that the Virus needs to duplicate itself.

The bad news is that it has not been FDA-approved yet, Sorry! We can expect a minimum 4-year wait before Tenofovir Gel is available =(

Click on the title (Anti-HIV gel for women) above for details ;-)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Demand for special treatment

So, you demand special treatment because of your genetics? Maybe you're entitled after all. I wrote an article about the importance of more genetic studies and treatment protocols.

Click the title (Demand for special treatment) above.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Execution of cost reduction

"Execution of cost reduction" is an article that I wrote about the cost of health care delivery to inmates, and their right to health care access, including those on death row. Oh, and let us not forget the role of our local health departments; I talk about what happens when sick inmates are released from prison.

To read my article, click on the title (Execution of cost reduction) above.


Prescription tampering

We all know that it's wrong to tamper with a doctor's prescription. Filling in a number for refills yourself is never a good idea, even if you're a physician writing a prescription for yourself. And in case you didn't know, tampering with your prescription CAN land you in a jail cell!

For your information, Class II Narcotics, such as Percocet, Morphine, and Ritalin, are not refillable. So guess who likes like a big fat liar when they approach the pharmacy counter with one or more refills written on their Class II Narcotic prescription? You got it! See why it pays to be honest ;-)

...oh, and try to get those Class II scripts filled within 7 days of the date it was written, or you may run into problems getting the medication.

Check with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) for more details on FAQ's by clicking the title (Prescription tampering) above.

Friday, October 14, 2011

How would you choose to die?

Electrocution is being proposed as the sole means of execution, thanks to two of our fine members of the Florida Legislature. Meanwhile, health care services are delivered for the purpose of preserving health, and otherwise to prevent and delay death. As health care services continue to be available to the general public, inmates have a right to health care services as well. However, for those on death row, receipt of health care services may prove to be a tease.

House Bill 325, filed by Representative Brad Drake & co-sponsored by Senator Don Gaetz (whose districts run west of Tallahassee), proposes that lethal injection be replaced by electrocution! And the rationale behind this change is what, again?

To read my article, click on the above title (How would you choose to die?)above.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Execution on a Platter

Pay attention to your politicians! Representative Drake & Senator Gaetz, whose districts coincide, have attempted to initiate a law that substitutes lethal injection with electrocution & an "option" for a firing squad. Will post a link to my analysis later...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Drug Shortages

Propofol, an anesthetic drug administered in hospitals, was made very popular when Michael Jackson passed away. Recently, there has been even more buzz about Propofol, as the legalities surrounding the King of Pop's death play out. Well, the FDA announced today that there is a shortage of Propofol and it's generic equivalent, diprivan. The pharmaceutical manufacturer "Teva" has discontinued Propofol. However, Hospira, Inc. and APP Pharmaceuticals are reported has having ample supply to meet market demands.

For individuals suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the shortage of the generic equivalent of Ritalin, methylphenidate hydrochloride, may cause concern. Sandoz Pharmaceuticals (Novartis) are reported as having sporadic backorders, while another pharmaceutical company called "Mallinckrodt" is also experiencing a short supply of methylphenidate. Mallinckrodt's shortage of methylphenidate hydrochloride may be indefinite.

The good news is at least three other pharmaceutical manufacturers are fully stocked with methylphenidate hydrochloride. The bad news is the number of tablets that you will be able to obtain is limited because methylphenidate hydrochloride is classified by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) as a narcotic.

For more details, click on the title above (Drug Shortages). Also, check with your local pharmacy for availability of methylphenidate hydrochloride, and check with your doctor to make sure the date on your prescription for methylphenidate hydrochloride is recent enough to be filled at a pharmacy.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Is your birth control FDA-approved?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning U.S. consumers not to use the emergency birth control medicine labeled as Evital. These products may be counterfeit versions of the “morning after pill” and may not be safe or effective in preventing pregnancy.

Evital has not been approved by the FDA for use in the United States.

Details can be found by clicking the title above (Is Your Birth Control FDA-approved?) or by visiting

Monday, October 10, 2011

Impress Your Teacher!

Here's an opportunity to impress your instructors and professors! Maybe you've been assigned a writing project and you have no idea what to write about. Maybe you need some insight on how dysfunctionality can be used as a catalyst to achieve important goals. Two short stories that cover topics that are applicable for sociology, military law, family law, criminology, and counseling-related courses should be on your list of "Things to do." Read and learn or read and write. Either way, it's an opportunity to expand your mind and way of thinking.

You can order "A Pepper Unpicked" and "Blood on the other side" right here from here ( PayPal, or through To get to, you can click the title above, use the search box below, or click on any of the book covers within my "Wish List" on the right. Now, it's your turn to make a move!

Heart attacks: Not the doctor’s fault!

You could be killing yourself, but effectively communicating with you doctor can help. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 785,000 people have their first heart attack every year; another 470,000 people who have already had a heart attack, have another heart attack. Heart disease, a common cause of heart attacks, kills more Blacks than American Indians, Asians, Hispanics, or Whites, according to a 2004 report from the CDC. In 2006, the CDC reported that more than 1 of every 4 people died from heart disease. Meanwhile, fatty foods such as hog maws and chitterlings continue to contribute heart disease, commonly caused by high cholesterol and lack of exercise. Often, individuals with heart disease also have what is referred to by doctors as “thick blood,” which is also known to clot more easily than normal blood. When clots occur, heart attacks and strokes can be the result.

Exercise and medication have been proven to successfully treat heart disease. The most common anticoagulant or blood thinner is a medication called Coumadin (Warfarin Sodium). However, part of the process for obtaining a favorable outcome includes routine trips to the doctor’s office for the purpose of follow up and monitoring blood levels for Coumadin toxicity. When patients who take drugs that require routine monitoring, such as Coumadin, they should not skip their doctor’s appointments. Doing so could cause a delay in detection of other complications, such as septicemia or blood poisoning, which can also result in death. Septicemia has been identified as one of the leading causes of death (nearly 35,000 people), according to a 2007 report from the CDC. However, following your doctor’s advice, such as keeping appointments, can greatly improve health outcomes.

Another thing patients can do to improve their health outcomes is to get a clear understanding of the purpose for each doctor’s visit. Taking the time to write down questions and actually asking them during visits with their doctor is likely to help as well. Another strategy patients can use in understanding the purpose of a visit with their doctor is to bring along a family member or friend who can help document and retain the information provided by the doctor for later reference.

As an educator and consultant in the field of health information management, one of the most common explanations that I hear patients cite for failing to ask questions is fear of wasting the doctor’s time. Another common response is that follow up appointments are not important. Patients, at times, also seem to allow their concern for doctors’ lucrative salaries and billing practices to supersede the importance of keeping their appointments. Depending on the circumstances, the alternative to skipping doctor’s appointments could be a serious decline in health. Besides, doctors should not be held responsible for unfavorable outcomes when patients fail to comply with their advice, such as keeping their doctor’s appointments and taking their medications as prescribed.

As each doctor’s visit is translated in standardized medical codes, the medical record continues to be the source document that explains the status of patients’ health and the health services provided to address patients’ health issues. Registered Health Information Administrators are skilled in identifying such medical codes, and can help patients exercise their right to obtain copies of their medical records, for the patient’s own recordkeeping and informational purposes. Explanations of Benefits (EOB) from insurance companies help explain each doctor’s visit, as well. EOB documents tend to include more details such as dates of service, charges, patient financial responsibility, in addition to the name of the doctor or health care provider requesting payment for health services. This information can help patients confirm the services provided to them, identify medical expenses, as well as detect identity or billing fraud.

So, do yourself a favor. Ask questions during doctor’s visits, and be as forthcoming as possible. The more details patients obtain from their doctors, the better equipped patients can be in complying with medical treatment and advice.

Chat with me about this topic at

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Male sexual enhancement or NOT

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers about a counterfeit product represented as “ExtenZe,” which is the name of an authentic dietary supplement for male sexual enhancement. The counterfeit product looks similar to the actual product, but contains hidden ingredients that can cause serious harm to consumers. The counterfeit product has the following lot numbers on the packages:

• LOT 1110075

• LOT F050899

FDA laboratory analysis confirmed that the counterfeit product contains tadalafil, or a combination of tadalafil and sildenafil --active ingredients in FDA-approved prescription medicines for erectile dysfunction. These ingredients are not listed on the product label.

These ingredients may interact with other medicines, like the nitrates found in some prescription medicines such as nitroglycerin, and may lower blood pressure to dangerous levels. Men with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease often take nitrates.

The counterfeit product is illegal and unsafe. The FDA is advising consumers not to purchase any products labeled as “ExtenZe” with lot numbers 1110075 and F050899. Consumers who have an ExtenZe product should check the lot numbers on the package to make sure they do not have a counterfeit product. Consumers who think they might have the counterfeit product should:

• stop taking the product; and

• contact their health care professional if they are experiencing any negative side effects.

For more details on this topic, click the above title, "Male sexual enhancement or NOT," which will take you directly to the source,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Headaches, headaches, headaches!

The headache experience is a very common ailment. According to Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, a headache is pain felt in the forehead, eyes, jaws, temples, scalp, skull, or neck. Detecting the cause of a headache usually is less clear cut, as it is often the symptom of more serious conditions such as meningitis and high blood pressure. Furthermore, there are more than 20+ formal headache diagnoses. Just to name a few, allergic, emotional, menstrual, migraine, orgasmic, post-traumatic, spinal fluid loss, and tension headaches are all diagnoses that have been assigned a special code for health care providers to use in medical billing and administration.

The most common type of headache is called, "Tension Headache," often referred to as "head tension." In fact, 90% of all headaches are Tension Headaches, even though less than 5% of tension headaches have been reported as chronic. Symptoms may include difficulty sleeping, dull pain within the entire head, with more intense pain felt in the temples, necks, back, and shoulders. Tension Headaches usually do not cause nausea and vomiting, unlike Migraine Headaches.

Furthermore, pain from Tension Headaches can spread to the eyes and neck, as well as other muscles throughout the body; triggers can include a variety of factors such as eye strain, alcohol use, teeth grinding & clenching, sinus infections, and excessive smoking. The good news is that there's treatment available! Usually treatment includes pain (analgesic) medications, such as ibuprofen, paracetamol/acetaminophen, and aspirin. More aggressive medications, such as analgesics combined with sedatives, include drugs like Mersyndol, Percogesic, and Fiorinal are also used in treatment of Tension Headaches.

Some things you can do to manage your Tension Headaches that are recommended by medical professionals include hot baths or showers, as well as cold baths or showers. Likewise, stretching neck and back muscles have been reported as effective strategies for relief. As with some other medical conditions, changes in diet in exercise can help provide relief as well. In turn, an increase in exercise can improve your quality of sleep, too.

Speak with your health care provider about your symptoms. Once you are properly diagnosed, effective treatment will hopefully be the next thing on your agenda!

To learn more about headaches, click on the above title, "Headaches, headaches, headaches!" Now, have a dynamic day =)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Bunions hurt like H.E. double hockey sticks!

Oh my goodness! Bunions can hurt, can't they?! Well, did you know that there are over a half-dozen types of surgical bunion repair procedures! Here are a few names of the various procedures: Hallux Valgus Correction, Keller-Type Procedure, Joplin Procedure, Keller-Mayo Procedure with Implant, Mitchell Procedure, Ladidus-Type Procedure, and Phalanx Osteotomy.

With the Hallux Vagus Correction, the outer-most bone part on the third bone is removed. You can find a billing code, such as 28290, in your health insurance documents (EOB), as well as your medical records, which would indicate whether this type of surgery was performed on you.

On the other hand, the Keller-Mayo Procedure with Implant is a type of surgical repair where the second and third bone parts are realigned and an artificial bone part is placed between the two of them. You can find a billing code, such as 28293, in your health insurance documents (EOB), as well as your medical records, which would indicate whether this particular surgical procedure was performed on you.

Have questions about your health insurance billing? Let me know!

Friday, September 30, 2011

To pay or not to pay

It may not be a bill, but it shows which services and how much money your doctor is asking your insurance company to pay. You should care because chances are you're paying a premium for your health insurance. In the insurance world, premium amounts are affected by the number of claims filed on your behalf, which can mean that your premium may increase, due to excessive appointments and health services provided. Also, if your doctor is billing your insurance company for services you didn't receive, then that's a red flag, indicative of fraud.

Sometimes, doctor's office staff will bill you directly for the entire amount, instead of billing your insurance company. Is it fair? Maybe not. But you have to do your homework to determine that. Try verifying your benefits yourself, and do it before you step foot in the doctor's office; it's customary that office staff verify benefits before an appointment is made, but often times, it's NOT done.

When you verify your benefits, you will be better equipped to educate office staff about whether you are obligated to pay. Since it's customary that office staff verify services covered by your insurance policy, knowing your coverage and payment amount will help you avoid confusion and frustration, while also keeping money in your purse or wallet.

So, be careful not to get talked into paying full price for health care services, especially when you have a health insurance policy in force. Otherwise, you're paying for a service unnecessarily, and may be due a refund.

Now, if you do not understand the insurance documents with the statement "This is not a bill" across the top that come in the mail, let's fix that right now! Yes, there may be some medical codes on there that you may not understand. However, you certainly understand dates and dollar amounts. So, take a look at the dates on your EOB or Explanation of Benefits and confirm whether you went to the doctor on those dates. Read the summary of health services, and make sure that the services billed for were indeed delivered to you or for your benefit. Also, look for the physician's name on the EOB, making sure that the doctor or health care provider listed is correct, as well as the amount "due" by the patient, which would be you.

In the event that you locate information on the EOB that is wrong, call your insurance company. It's okay to also call your doctor's office, but understand that whatever explanation is provided to you over the telephone needs to be backed up in writing. By this, I am referring to receipts, EOB's, letters (on appropriate letterhead) from your insurance company and doctor's office.

Golden rule: If it's not in writing, it didn't happen.

I hope this helps! If you have questions, e-mail me at

Have a safe weekend, and don't take any wooden nickels =)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sex with no condoms

HLN Reports that 45% of teens who are having sex do NOT use condoms. This takes us back to my first published newspaper article, "Teenage Sex Epidemic." My article points out various contributing factors to sexual behavior of teens. Some of the examples stated include: Lack of wise counsel from parents and guardians to teens and peer pressure. The reported outcomes are Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI or STD), unplanned pregnancies, unwanted children, and abortions... which brings us to my latest piece on teen sex to mind (School list: Things to do & know), as it discusses the availability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccines for children as young as 9 years old.

School list: Things to do & know can be viewed by clicking the above title or by copying and pasting this URL in your browser...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sex Drive Influences

Sexual desire or appetite for sexual activity is referred to as "libido." Libido can be affected by numerous factors, such as self-esteem, diet, physiology, culture, and timing,just to name a few.

Research shows that men have stronger libidos than women. It's also been reported that men fantasize about sex more and masturbate more frequently than women; not to say that women don't masturbate, men just tend to do it more than us.

Women have also been reported as more likely to be distracted by environmental factors than men, while also making more of an emotional connection with their sexual partner. For example, women tend to require house chores to be done, and a little ambiance and romance before getting aroused. Men, on the other hand, tend to be more direct and specific about their sexual desires.

Interestingly, women tend to be more likely to engage in sexual activity with the same sex than men. However, cultural indicators, such as attending church and worshiping God, have been reported as an influence on women's sexual habits, unlike men. It's also been reported that the sexual habits of women are more likely to be influence by their friends than men.

Foods that have been reported as libido enhancers include: Celery, oysters, watermelon, avacados, bananas, acai berries, and almonds.

Learn more about libido at or by clicking the title above.

Friday, September 23, 2011

In case you get a DUI

The weekend is here! For many, this means it's time to party. But in doing so, be sure to coordinate a safe ride home. Whether your ride is with a designated driver, taxi, or limo service, just make sure it's in place before you start drinking your favorite alcoholic beverage; I like Asti Spumante, myself =)

If you get caught driving with an open container of alcohol (i.e. cup of cognac), even if you are not intoxicated, you could still be accused of DUI. Remember, your family and friends love you, and when something happens to you, it affects them. So, please be careful.

If you don't have an attorney on retainer, perhaps you can at least keep a business card for one in your purse or wallet; I'll gladly share the names of some upon request.

TGIF! Have a happy and safe weekend =)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Eartha Shoemaker: Brevard's Unsung Hero

Read about Brevard County's Unsung Hero, Ms. Eartha Shoemaker. She made her mark in history through her work at NASA. ~7/18/52-9/6/2011~

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Toxic Shock Syndrome

TSS, also known as Toxic Shock Syndrome and Toxic Shock-like Syndrome, is a rare and sometimes fatal disease that is associated with the vaginal use of tampons during menstruation. It’s a serious disease caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. The Streptococcus pyogenes involvement may have attributed to yet another nickname for TSS, Streptococcal Shock Syndrome.

Signs of TSS infection can vary. However, common signs include low blood pressure (i.e. Systolic of 90), fever (102 degrees Fahrenheit), and a rash that peels off after 10 to14 days. TSS can affect the liver and kidneys.

Since 96% of reported TSS infections reported in the past were found in women under the age of the 30 years old down to teen-aged girls, it is safe to say that minimal use of tampons is a good idea. Even Tampax recommends that women alternate their use of tampons with sanitary napkins. Furthermore, Tampax reports that the higher the absorbency, the higher the risk of developing TSS. In addition, the use of tampons should be avoided, in order to prevent the development of TSS infection. Another helpful hint for preventing TSS is to avoid wearing a tampon or sleeping with an inserted tampon for more than 8 consecutive hours.

In the past, the CDC provided details about TSS cases, such as incidences where race was reported. Among Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asians, TSS was found most commonly in Whites at a rate of 97%.

Thankfully, TSS is treatable. However, treatment should be initiated as early as possible. Initially, an inserted tampon should be removed from the vagina. Once hospitalized, patients may receive IV fluids and antibiotics. Removal of abscesses and infected tissue may also be necessary.

If you or someone you know uses tampons during menstruation, seek medical attention from a licensed health care provider if any signs are present or if symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, or muscle ache occurs.

Learn more about TSS at and


"A pepper unpicked" is a story about perseverance through adversity.  Dysfunctional family dynamics, rejection, and deceit have tremendous ability to affect anyone's emotional and mental health.  Read this one to see it from an interesting perspective.

"Blood on the other side" is also a story about the importance of perseverance.  However, family dynamics are further complicated by politics, federal government bureaucracy, and a malicious ex-family member with Washington, D.C. ties.  Read this one to see how it plays out.
The books I've authored, so far, are now available at

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Heart Skip


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is informing the public of an ongoing safety review of the anti-nausea drug Zofran (ondansetron, ondansetron hydrochloride and their generics). Ondansetron may increase the risk of developing abnormal changes in the electrical activity of the heart, which can result in a potentially fatal abnormal heart rhythm (including Torsade de Pointes).

Patients at particular risk for developing Torsade include those with conditions like congenital long QT syndrome, those who are predisposed to low levels of potassium and magnesium in their blood, and those taking other medications that lead to QT prolongation.

The manufacturer of Zofran (GlaxoSmithKline) is being required to conduct a thorough QT study for further assessment. The results from this study are expected to be available during the summer of 2012. Afterward, additional label changes may occur. Currently, the labels are being revised to include a warning to avoid use in patients with congenital long QT syndrome because these patients are at particular risk for Torsade.

Additionally, recommendations for ECG monitoring in patients with electrolyte abnormalities (i.e. low potassium, calcium, or sodium), congestive heart failure, slow heart rate, or in patients taking other medications that can lead to QT prolongation, are being included in the labels.

* Do not stop taking Zofran (ondansetron) without talking to your healthcare professional;
* Discuss any questions or concerns about Zofran (ondansetron) with your healthcare professional;
* While taking Zofran (ondansetron), your healthcare professional may occasionally order an electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG) to monitor your heart rate and rhythm;
* Seek immediate care if you experience an irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, or fainting while taking Zofran (ondansetron);
* Report any side effects you experience to the FDA MedWatch program.

Learn more at

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Grieving and coping

There are a series of events that cause stress in our lives. Whether it’s good stress or bad stress, it impacts our health. Today, we remembered the lives lost in the September 11th Catastrophe, back in 2001. We all remember what we were doing that morning. It’s a moment that the people of our United States, and the rest of the world, will never forget. Likewise, yesterday is a day that my good friend will never forget, as her mother was funeralized.

Like the heroes who lost their lives in the September 11th Catastrophe, who are now commemorated by the Tribute in Light and the new Waterfall Pool, Eartha Shoemaker was also hero. She was the first woman and the first African American to work on the Close-out Crew at NASA, in Titusville, Florida. Her life was celebrated yesterday, as her family, co-workers, and friends gathered to exchange stories and grieve together. Ms. Eartha Shoemaker passed away on September 6, 2011.

Howbeit difficult, hopefully, today was well-spent in commemorating our country’s heroes, while remembering that we all grieve and cope differently. Customarily, it is said that we generally encounter five phases of grieving: (1) Denial, (2) anger, (3) bargaining, (4) depression, and (5) acceptance.

In the Denial phase, it’s common to be in the state of disbelief and rebellion about the death, incarceration, divorce, or similar crisis. The event may even bring about feelings of anger and frustration, which may be coupled with or in lieu of bargaining; individuals often rationalize with themselves during the bargaining phase, proposing that if they had done something different, the crisis would not have occurred. With acceptance, feelings of powerlessness can promote cooperation and willingness to carry on with whatever life brings.

Personally, denial is usually my first response, when I have grieved in the past. Unlike others, the denial phase may not be a part of their grieving and coping process. Perhaps, depression is the first expressed emotion for some. On the other hand, some nay not go through the process of anger or bargaining at all. Mainly, it depends on the individual and the circumstances surrounding the crisis.

No matter what your crisis is, let us remember to adhere to a balanced diet, drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids, exercise, and get plenty of rest. Let us not feel pressured and avoid pressuring others into hiding their true feelings. Let us grieve in our own way, support one another in our different processes of grieving, and pray. Failure to do so may have a negative impact on our health and the health of those around us.

To learn more about grieving, make an appointment with a spiritual leader, therapist, or counselor. Also, visit

God bless the families of our lost heroes, and God bless the United States of America.