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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Because she rocks!

May 29th marks the day of an International-World-renowned Holiday, representing the day a special star arose. ~Now, for a moment of silence~


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Eyelash Extension & Infection

There are some women in the world with THE most amazing eyelashes.  Mine aren't all that amazing, but I'm rather pleased with them, myself.  For those who choose to wear false eyelashes or eyelash extensions should know and understand why they're at risk of eye irritation and infection.  Dangerous chemicals, such as formaldehyde found in the glue used to attach eyelash extensions, have been identified as culprits.  Channel 9 News tells more. Click HERE!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

ABORTION Pill & 15 year-olds

The ABORTION pill, otherwise known as PLAN B, has been deemed accessible to anyone who is at least 15 years old, including YOUR child.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, your kid can get a hold of PLAN B without a prescription and without your knowledge.   The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lowered the age limit for Plan B One-Step emergency contraception from 17 years-old, making it available without a prescription to girls as young as 15 years-old.

Instead of PLAN B being stored behind the pharmacy counter, your little girl can get it off of the shelf, herself, and purchase it; as long as she can produce a government-issued identification to verify her age, she can purchase it, and go on about her business.

My question is, which 15 year-olds have a copy of their birth certificate or government-issued identification to show at the cash register?  I'm interested to see how this unfolds... My guess is it's... Time to talk about sex! Click here to learn more!!!

As usual, thanks for stopping by!