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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Avoid DUI Traps!

In case you remember me from my former life as a DUI Immobilizer, please know that this post is coming from a more PROACTIVE approach... Don't drink and drive- and don't ride with anybody who does. Tipsy Tow offered by AAA: You don't have to be a AAA member, from 6pm-6am on New Year's Eve/Day they will take your drunk self and your car home for FREE. Save this number... 1-800-222-4357. ~NO more excuses~

DEA arrests & BOOK #3

My goal today is to finish up another chapter in my third book, which is due to be published in February 2011! I'm very excited about that and my book signing party =) Meanwhile, I am also reading up on a few things, such as Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) arrests, as I prepare my mind to write another article. As I sit here, reading over my old notes on DEA arrests, I realized that I should share some of this with you all. I gathered some recent data from DEA to share.

Between October 3, 2011 and December 19, 2011, the following physicians and facilities were busted by the DEA, basically for improper prescribing and/or distribution of narcotics. Their names, offense, and date are listed below.

Oh, and if your doctor's name is listed, you might want to go ahead and call your insurance company and switch doctor's offices.

Barry M. Schultz, M.D.; Decision and Order (December 19, 2011)
Kamal Tiwari, M.D.; Pain Management and Surgery Center of Southern Indiana; Decision and Order (November 18, 2011)
Robert G. Crummie, M.D.; Decision and Order (November 17, 2011)
Silviu Ziscovici, M.D.; Decision and Order (November 17, 2011)
James L. Hooper, M.D.; Decision and Order (November 17, 2011)
Joseph Giacchino, M.D.; Decision and Order (November 17, 2011)
Scott D. Fedosky, M.D.; Denial of Application (November 17, 2011)
Treasure Coast Specialty Pharmacy Decision and Order (October 28, 2011)
Abelardo E. Lecompte-Torres, M.D. Decision and Order (October 28, 2011)
Aaron Gloskowski, D.O.; Decision and Order (October 28, 2011)
Linda Sue Cheek, M.D., Decision and Order (October 28, 2011)
Shawn M. Gallegos, D.D.S., Decision and Order (October 28, 2011)
David T. Koon, M.D.; Revocation of Registration (October 28, 2011)
Carlos Gonzalez, M.D., Decision and Order (October 11, 2011)
Robert Raymond Reppy, D.O.; Decision and Order (October 3, 2011)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Entitlement: According to you

So, your back hurts and you're having migraine headaches ALL the time. Or maybe it's your wrist, leg, or ankle. Whatever the ailment, maybe you're feeling like you're entitled to Social Security Disability. Well, according to Social Security Administration's (SSA) listings, maybe you do qualify!

Basically, SSA uses a list of diagnoses and corresponding qualifiers of each that serve as a set of criteria for determining whether an applicant is eligible to receive monetary benefits from the SSA fund. The process is usually lengthy, and can include a series of examinations, copies of medical records, and interviews. However, whether you qualify for SSA Disability benefits is not dependent on how serious you think your ailment is. As a former disability adjudicator, I can tell you that if a physician never documented your ailment in your medical record in a way that it meets a SSA listing, then you're probably not going to be approved for SSA Disability.

Furthermore, if you are receiving benefits for your child, who could otherwise function "normally," please stop telling them to "act crazy" when the social worker comes over for a home visit. The check might be helpful to you now, but the paper trail will only hinder your child in the future. Also, do realize that SSA Disability is not a retire plan! In other words, it's not an option for you just because you're tired of working. That's what 401K plans are for.

I could go on... and I probably will. But it will be an article specific for my subscribers. So, take advantage of the opportunity to subscribe to my work. I promise you will not be the same after reading what I have to say ;-)

To catch a glimpse of details about medical record documentation, click the title (Entitlement: According to you) above.

To subscribe, don't look "to the left, to the left," instead you will find the SUBSCRIBE button to the RIGHT of this post. Happy Reading!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Your size my fault

Okay, before I get going with this one, please understand that the intent of this post is to inform and promote awareness, so as to improve future decision-making... hopefully ;-) However, if the shoe fits, or in this case the condom, then sport it!

Sexual compatibility can make or break a relationship, as we all know. In fact, there seems to be some tension between guys who fit into Magnum condoms and guys who fit into Trojan condoms. Guys, please hear me out on this one... Stop giving women a hard time because of your "inadequacies." Chances are she identified your issue before you revealed it to her. Chances also are that she actually cares about you despite it. So, try coming to terms with it yourself, instead of taking your frustration out on her. Breaking up with her is probably not the most effective strategy. And remember, what goes around, comes around ;-)

Ladies... you know I love you all. Besides, I'm a lady myself. But I have to warn my sisters to stop treating men according to a hierarchy of size. Bigger does not mean better... More importantly, his ability to provide for you and protect you and the family is not dependent on his size. Guys, stop acting like the two (abilities outside the bedroom and abilities in the bedroom) are interrelated.

Likewise, guys... Just because you're extraordinarily endowed does not make you "The Man." There's more work to go into an actual relationship, other than what you can bring to the bed. Can you even change a tire? How about a light bulb?

Look for scenarios related to this topic in my next book, which is due to be published in February 2012, just in time for my book signing party on February 11th ;-)

Click the title above (Your size my fault) to view details of me, as an author, on

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sex organ work out

You've heard of the vaginal muscle exercises women do, right? They're called "Kegel" exercises; often referred to as "Kegels." At times, we could be looking right at you, while doing Kegel exercises. What?! You would've known the difference, anyway! Besides, men do them, too!

Kegler exercises are done by contracting and relaxing the muscles used to control urination. In other words, Kegels are basically done by attempting to urinate and then attempting to stop urinating, repeatedly. The muscle in question is called "Pubococcygeus." It stretches from the pubic bone, down past the anus, to the tail bone or coccyx, as we say in the medical field. The Pubococcygeus muscle also happens to contract when an orgasm occurs.

Research shows that performance of Kegel exercises improve premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and inflammation of the prostate gland. In both men and women, Kegels are documented as having helped helping improve urinary incontinence. In women particularly, research shows that Kegel exercises help ease the childbirth process.

However, since the topic of men's health seems to be kept hush-hush, I thought I would bring it up and reference more details to help promote a healthier dating pool ;-) Besides, the prostate gland facilitates orgasms in men => Orgasms are a part of sexual intercourse => which help reduce stress & increases intimacy.

As usual, it's likely that I will write a more detailed article on this topic, but you'll need to subscribe to access it.

Meanwhile, click on the title above (Sex organ work out) for additional details on men's health.

Enjoy the Christmas Season with your loved ones!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Breast cancer drug

The FDA announced another drug shortage today, and it affects more than 200,000 women recently diagnosed with breast cancer and MORE :-/

Subscribe to my personal library and access my articles such as this one and more. Besides, nobody else will research it and write it up for you! Which is why you should subscribe and make your request ;-)

For a glimpse at my work, click the title above (Breast cancer drug) can read my entire article about the shortage of a breast cancer drug there.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Epidural drugs

Epidurals, as we call them, are a group IV medications that are prepared in inpatient pharmacies, often with a narcotic analgesic drug that are is injected into the epidural space of the spinal canal.

The purpose of administering a narcotic analgesic drug into the spinal canal is to reduce pain and supplement general and local anesthesia, such as during childbirth. Just so happens that Haloperidol, which is commonly administered with Fentanyl, has also been reported by FDA as available in limited supply; Fentanyl is still on the short list as well. Oh, and by the way, these drugs are usually diluted in a fluid such as sugar water (Dextrose in water) or salt water (Normal saline) before it ever leaves the IV room. Such fun work, if I must say so myself!

Interesting, huh? Yeah, I thought so, too. That's why I announce this stuff, in the first place ;-)

Click the title above (Epidural drugs) for more details.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Pneumonia: A fatal contraction

Good Morning and HAPPY FRIDAY!

Pneumonia: A fatal contraction... That's the title of the newest addition to my subscription of articles♥ Gotta love the way my mind works sometimes!

Within the article I discuss some of the various pneumonia types and causes; believe it or not, there are different ways to contract pneumonia! The focus of my article is on the deception and danger of pneumonia, as the everyday person may see it as just a cold. Since pneumonia kills an overwhelming number of people every year, I thought you all should have access to a well-organized summary about such a common disease, for which there is a vaccine, yet millions are dying from it, right here in the United States. As usual, I'm available to research your questions and provide the information that answers them... just remember to choose SPECIAL PROJECT from the PAYPAL drop-down menu, on the right side of the page ;-)

The phrase of the day is "nosocomial infection," meaning an infection developed while hospitalized. Check your medical records...

Oh, and get to the doctor with that ugly cough (me included)! Take care & HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Down to the bone

Since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) announcement on November 19, 2010, there's a drug on the market called, "Xgeva" (denosumab), which is prescribed for the treatment of skeletal-related events (SREs) in patients with cancer that has metastasized and damaged bone tissue. Skeletal-related events include bone fractures caused by cancer and bone pain that requires radiation. Xgeva is not approved for patients with multiple myeloma or other cancers of the blood.

Let me know just how much more information you would like to have about this drug ;-)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Don't be so desperate!

Weight loss is quite a hot topic, nowadays. People will do almost anything, just to lose weight. Please don't let the desire to be thinner cost you your health.

Today, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) issued seven warning letters regarding unauthorized marketing of certain weight loss products. Part of the problem is a lack of reliable, scientific evidence to support the efficacy of weight loss products.

The pregnancy hormone, hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), is produced by the human placenta and found in urine of pregnant women. Currently, hCG is FDA-approved as an injection prescription for fertility and certain other medical conditions.

However, hCG is not FDA-approved as an over-the-counter "homeopathic" weight loss product, which is why FDA issued warning letters the manufacturers of such products. If manufacturers do not reply with a corrective plan of action within 15 days, criminal prosecution could be a consequence. Book 'em Danno!

If diet and exercise do not work for you, or maybe you're not sure WHAT to do. Contact your physician for advice. Whatever you do, please make sure the products you use are safe. Otherwise, where does the accountability lie?

Click the title above (Don't be so desperate) to read the FDA's announcement. To read my accompanying article on medical conditions treated by hCG and other details, use the yellow SUBSCRIBE button for access.

Remember, it's your health we're talking about!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Avoid teeth staining

If you're 30+ years old, then chances are a young child has informed you of the yellowing of your teeth! So, if you're a wine drinker, coffee drinker, or tea drinker... LISTEN UP! Here's a tip that I learned from Dr. Oz about helping reduce the stains on your teeth.

In between sips of your "teeth-staining-beverage-of-choice," take a few sips of water and swish it around in your mouth. Of course you should also, brush your teeth (with toothpaste) after every meal, whenever possible. But also know that when you fall asleep at night without brushing your teeth, you're allowing stains to set in overnight that may not respond to toothpaste in the morning :-/

Basically, clean your teeth, in order to have a cleaner mouth and avoid stains on your teeth! See a dentist on a regular basis. That way, if there are any dead nerves or vessels in your teeth, you can make necessary arrangements to keep your teeth healthy and stain-free.

Take care, and SMILE!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Help me help you!

Thank you for your faith in my abilities! I love what I do, and I am blessed to be multi-talented. It is my pleasure to provide administrative and educational support. Please help me help you, by utilizing the online payment options, when requesting my help. For further clarification, please e-mail me (; I'd really appreciate it. If necessary, I will even e-mail you a personalized invoice.

For resume and CV requests, please be prepared to provide a copy of the job or project description, in addition to details regarding salary, requirements, project start date, and company history with your request. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to help.

It's Friday, so make it a dynamic weekend and THANKS for stopping by =)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Threat of allergy sickness

An allergic reaction can cause serious damage. In some cases, an allergic reaction can result in an emergency room visit and even hospitalization. Well, now with a shortage on certain IV drugs, let's hope that sick patients don't get sicker. Today, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) announced a shortage on Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Injection (generic for Benadryl), commonly used in IV therapy for the treatment and management of hospitalized patients suffering from conditions, such as allergic reactions, anxiety, itching, or cold symptoms.

Hopefully, hospitals are adequately stocked with Diphenhydramine/Benadryl and sick patients don't get sicker.

A full article will follow, but only accessible to subscribers => => => =>

Have a dynamic day!!!!!