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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Anti-HIV Pill

Let me tell you something. If this new Anti-HIV Pill is approved by the FDA... I don't know, I might have to go ahead and get a dose for myself! We still have a few more months to wait for a decision. I'm just wondering why a medication like this hasn't been approved way before now, even though I think we all know the answer to that question :-/

Truvada, a widely used medication used with other drugs in the treatment of AIDS, may be the first pill used to actually PREVENT transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Truvada can potentially be prescribed to healthy patients, in order to prevent contracting or "catching" HIV, that is if it's approved for prophylaxsis of HIV.

Supposedly, Truvada will be used to protect individuals who are at high risk of contracting HIV, such as "partners of people who have HIV/AIDS and non-monogamous gay and bisexual men," if it is indeed approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But why can't we all get a dose? Besides, the dating pool is a mess, and no one knows what the future holds.

All I'm saying is that no one is exempt from contracting HIV, except those who have never engaged in sexual activity, shared needles, been tattooed, received a blood transfusion... I think you get my point.

Oh, and no one is really sure that their own mother was HIV-free when they were born; besides, the virus can secretly exist in anyone's system for decades! That's so scary! But it's possible.

Well, thanks for stopping by! I hope you learned something today =)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Exxon's X on 25th Place

According to Exxon (you know, like the gas station "Exxon"), most recent international testing reveal that the United States ranks 25th in math and 17th in science. Exxon does, however, acknowledge that Americans are recognized for leadership in technology and innovation. On the other hand, to maintain leadership and a reputation for leadership in technology and innovation takes work.

Exxon's campaign to raise awareness about math and science achievement is commendable. I would like to see children from my region get involved. So, I will do my best to share this information with my community, as the decision to have children involved rests with the parents.

How does this information tie into health education? It's simple! Excel in math and science, which helps gain acceptance into college with industry connections. Once graduation day comes, perhaps a job offer from a company like Exxon is on the table, which is likely to pay a handsome salary. Salary is a nice word for money. Money facilitates the purchase of healthy foods, homes in healthy environments that usually have better schools, vehicles with extra safety (healthy) mechanisms on it, which will eventually transport family members who loved ones want transported safely.

Basically, the equation is: Perform well=earn more money=live a better life

I'm not saying the equation is fair, but it's the way life goes. To get on board or not is a choice. What's yours?

To read more about Exxon's campaign, click on the title above (Exxon's X on 25th place).

Thanks for stopping by! Let's chat again soon ;-)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Burger King, Negroes, and Chicken

Every now and then a commercial airs, and then suddenly, it disappears. Quizno Subs did it. Taco Bell did it. Apparently, Burger King did it, too! But who's idea was it to have a wealthy, Black songstress to sing an offensive, culturally insensitive AND indignant advertisement that demeans her own ethnic group on a commercial... is beyond me! Insults such as, big lips, ashy skin, Negroes love chicken, hideous mispronunciations...40 ounce Kool Aid...Food stamps, Baby Momma, and more!

I can't believe they actually aired a commercial like this on TV!

The ridiculousness of it, coupled with the blatant disrespect will force an incredible laugh out of almost anyone. My jaw just about fell on the floor, when I viewed it for the first time! I'm still in disbelief. Somebody pinch me, and tell me this isn't real.


(Click the title above, "Burger King, Negroes, and Chicken," to view the commercial.)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Baby girl on her way!

On Monday, one of my best friends learned that her bun in the oven is a female bun =) I was secretly wishing for a girl, anyway! Really, as long it's a healthy baby... but yeah, it's a girl.

You see, if it were a boy, then we would have all those issues (click the title above, "Baby girl on her way," for details) to worry about; circumcision or lack of it is not a fun topic. Besides, I want to give her pretty frilly, little girly-girl clothes and accessories to wear =)

Congratulations, my friend! I love ya!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day: After Dark

So, Father's Day Weekend is coming to a close. I sincerely hope that every father, especially the father's who have worked so hard to take care of their children, enjoyed this Father's Day Holiday! Personally, I was blessed to have spent quality time with my father. He and my grandfather are the prototypes of fatherhood. My future husband has his work cut out...

Now, about my medical article that is linked to this post, I thought it to be appropriate, since Father's Day is yet another opportunity for "players" to justify their promiscuous behavior. Published (Multiview Inc.) earlier this year, shortly after Christmas, I'm afraid the same message is also fitting for Father's Day Weekend. Click the title above, FATHER'S DAY: AFTER DARK, to read my medical article entitled, "Holiday Fooling Around." Enough said ;-)

Thanks for stopping by. Take Care!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Next Invitation

Hello, my friends! Do you remember this televised interview from a few months back? Well, I've written many articles and have had several book signings since then. As I work on book #4, I wonder when my next invite for another TV interview will come...

If you click on the title above (Next Invitation), my TV interview on the Samy Priso will play for you. Samy is a spontaneous interviewer, so you never know what kinds of questions he will ask. Maybe next time I'll have some talking points, LOL!

I would also like to meet Wendy Williams and appear on her show, as well. I definitely have to choose a juicy topic for Wendy!!!

Stay tuned. I'm sure I will think of another interesting topic soon ;-)


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Feminism: Goose & Gander

Yes, we are women, and yes we are held to a higher moral standard...infidelity, morals, gender expectations, and such... and I could go on about that! My point today is that as women, we should be more vigilant about taking care of our bodies, especially our vaginas.

Let me first preface my next comment with a note that I do believe individuals engaged in sexual intercourse should be married to one another, and that no third party should ever be introduced into such intimacy. HOWEVER, I'm not naive enough to think that such activities are not taking place. So, having said that, let me say this...

WOMEN, let's not rely on men to bring condoms to the "bed." In fact, we should not be relying on them for too much, anyway! At least, not 100% because it's not fair, and is guaranteed to lead to a heartache in the end...but that's another story...which I'm sure to cover more of in my 4th book.

Now, let's focus on the fact that we are fortunate enough to have an option of the FEMALE CONDOM, nowadays, as opposed to focusing only on male (penile) condoms. It's pretty much the same principle, except the female condom lines the inside of a woman's vagina, as opposed to tightly enclosing a penis. Just try it and decide whether you and your husband/partner like it.

So, maybe it's true. What's good for the goose is good for the gander ;-)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Over the counter COCAINE high

So, now bath salts are being abused as a stimulant. That's right! No prescription needed, so the hassle of making a doctor's appointment is no longer necessary to achieve an amphetamine-like high!

News 13 reports that bath salts are 13 times as potent as cocaine, and can cause serious side effects including chest pain, high blood pressure, palpitations, anxiety, and violent hallucinations. Some of the street names cited include: Ivory Wave, Blue Silk, Cloud Nine, Scarface, and Vanilla Sky, Zoom, and Hurricane Charlie.

Keep your eyes and ears open, and pay attention to your surroundings!

New Drug

Late-stage metastatic breast cancer and Newly FDA-approved drug to treat it, called "Perjeta."

Saturday, June 9, 2012


June is PTSD Awareness Month! PTSD is an acronym for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It's a type of anxiety disorder, usually present in individuals who experienced traumatic events in their life. Traumatic events can vary from assault, rape, and domestic abuse to terrorism and prison stays.

I posted this just to remind my readers to be considerate of others. You never know what the person next to you has endured. So, please slow your roll in the Judgmental Department. Thanks!

See you, soon!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sex Change

We all have heard of sex change operations. However, the average person is unaware of the medical codes and billing associated with the procedure. Yep! There are medical codes within patient medical records that are used to report sex changes to insurance companies and other organizations for purposes beyond billing, such as data collection and risk assessment; how else would we know the number of sex changes performed each year, which regions of the country performs the most surgeries, or how long patients live post-operatively!

The amount of money paid to the operating physician or medical facility, however, depends on a number of factors, including the medical codes submitted to insurance companies and whether insurance covers the procedure. Coverage by insurance companies is likely to be determined by the diagnosis. In other words, if the surgery is medically necessary, it stands a better chance of being approved, than if it is not.

Regarding the insurance and paper work aftermath, the average person is probably unaware of the details included in a sex change (Intersex Surgery), as well. For a male, the procedure is obviously an intensive ordeal. For example, a prostatectomy (prostate removal), which may include a meatotomy (incision along the penis), and removal of lymph nodes below the navel and around the thighs, is included among various approaches that physicians may use to convert a male into a female.

In females, a sex change is intensive, too! A vulvectomy (removal of vaginal lips and clitoris) and excision of Bartholin's glands (ducts that secrete vaginal wetness), in addition to removal of lymph nodes in the groin area.

All I'm saying is...Anyone who chooses to go this route, please-please thoroughly think it through, and interview as many surgeons as possible before making a decision. Meanwhile, I'm sure the physicians involved are making sure that adequate resources are provided and utilized by sex change patients, as they undergo such a life-changing experience.

Judge not, lest ye be judged ;-)