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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Why are you STILL single?!@#$%^&*()

You're so beautiful and smart, and ... Why aren't you married?  Well, I'll tell you why I'm not married.  I'm not married because I break off relationships at the hint of betrayal, especially in the form of infidelity and physical/emotional abuse; my sweet kindness is often mistaken for a weakness.  But like I told my godfather (God Bless his soul; R.I.P.), when I left my ex-husband... "I will not tolerate maltreatment."  By this, I mean I MUST be the main priority or we can NOT be together, period.  For example, unlimited access is a two-way street; courtship must precede marriage; pampering is a must; my pretty-face-intelliegence-multi-skill combo package will not be dismissed or overlooked, we will not shack up together and/or make babies prior to marriage; in-laws will not have more influence over our relationship than I; and I like my diamonds in princess cut ;-)

Loosen up, Domanique!  You're too uptight!!!  My response: "OH, WELL!"  Why should I put my needs and desires on the back burner, only to let a man have his way?    Meanwhile, I'm still in my prime and it's full-steam ahead with my career and educational goals, personal improvement, and emotional stability.  All of whom are not or can not actively contribute to my career and educational goals, personal improvement, and emotional stability (Translation: MY OVERALL WELL-BEING & HAPPINESS) are hereby disqualified from all activity pertaining to Domanique Culpepper.  No apologies.  My uncle used to say, "I laugh and joke, but I don't play!" 

Ultimately,we must respect and accept one another, to include honesty, submission, and trust; as you can see, I take these things seriously.  When these traits are absent from relationships, the balance is thrown off, and we move closer to an unhealthy relationship; at this moment, I am re-living the writing of my third book, entitled TELL-TALE SIGNS OF A TRAIN WRECK...and I am now, VERY pleased to have come to the epiphany of it all, put it on paper, and published it!

At the end of the day, it's about creating and maintaining healthy relationships.  The same goes for all of my relationships actually, whether friendships, familial relationships, workplace dynamics, or social/professional networking.  So, in the words of my wonderful Grandma Lottie, I must say, "Pee or get off the pot!"

Again, thanks for stopping by!  Toodles!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why I Write?

I enjoy writing very much; whether it's a medical topic or a community involvement.  It's therapy for me, and allows me to express myself in ways that I have been unable through other ways.  It's also a quiet process, so there's no chaos to irritate or startle me... It's peaceful and brings me great comfort.  Teaching gives me the social interaction I crave, but writing provides a sense of safety that I require.

So, please know that I am working on Book #4.  It's just taking a little longer than expected.  However, Christmas Break is a good time for me to wrap it up ;-)  Meanwhile, BLOOD ON THE OTHER SIDE, A PEPPER UNPICKED, and TELL-TALE SIGNS OF A TRAINWRECK are still available for your special attention.  If you have read all three, and ready for Book #4, it would be my pleasure to discuss any parts of any of my three published books.  All you have to do is post a comment here or send me an email message by clicking here!

As usual, thanks for stopping by!

Monday, December 17, 2012

HIV Status at Home

Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on July 3, 2012, OraQuick is now on the market!  It is the first at-home-HIV Test to hit the market.  Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, Rite Aid, Kroger, and Navarro Discount Pharmacy currently carry OraQuick.  For $40.00 each, the public now has access and control over their own HIV testing and results.  However, testing should not be performed prior to 3 months after exposure.  Know your status ;-)

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Young children killed

Special Prayers for the families of the 18 children found shot to death at a Connecticut elementary school ♥  Click here for CBS News Report

Monday, December 10, 2012

Private sweat

It's called "hyperhidrosis,"otherwise known as a condition of excessive sweat.  As discussed today on the T.V. program called "The Doctors," excessive sweat tends to cause body odor.  The type of odor produced is dependent on the body area that sweats, such as armpits and private areas.  However, there are ways to prevent such embarrassing odors from occurring.  One way that was discussed today is for women to wear cotton panties, with or without a pantyliner; careful that the panties are not too tight, which can cause additional sweating.

Other tactics that help reduce body odor include frequent bathing and personal hygiene.  Also, application of baby powder can help reduce wetness that can be responsible for body odor.

This topic reminds me of an episode of the T.V. series called, "Shahs of Sunset," when Lilly encountered "crotch juice" on one of her designs that was used during a previous fitting.  I can definitely understand her concern.  However, let us remember that Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) within bodily fluids of HIV+ individuals would not transmit HIV onto garments; other infections, such as STDs, is another matter. 

Consequently, wearing such a contaminated garment would not infect the next person with HIV.  ON THE OTHER HAND, I do NOT condone wearing intimate garments worn by others, ESPECIALLY when they have not been cleaned... pantyliner or not!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Prison: AIDS & Excecution

Did you know that inmates infected with AIDS can be released early?  Click here to read more.

World AIDS Day

Did you know that today is World AIDS Day?

The Obama Administration's strategy to combat HIV/AIDS was released last year (2011).  Reduction of new infections, increase in access to healthcare, reduction in health disparities, and achievement of a more coordinated national response to HIV/AIDS are among the main goals.  To do this, the Obama Administration is advancing education about HIV/AIDS.  The focus is on African-Americans, Latinos, and gay men.  Come 2014, The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) has been expanded to include HIV-testing and will ensure healthcare coverage to all Americans, including those living with HIV/AIDS.

I love that President Obama issued a presidential proclamation for World AIDS Day; CLICK HERE to read President Obama's Proclamation.

Thanks for stopping by!