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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What are you waiting for, Christmas?!!

Once again, my sleep session did NOT go well last night.  All I could think of was this BLOG and my "excessive absenteeism" from my own work.  So, I thought to myself... "Self?"  Then, myself said, "Huh?"  Then, I thought, "Alright, it's almost Christmas and you haven't posted regularly in I don't know when!" 

So, here we are!!!

As 2014 approaches, I think about the events of 2013; the good, the memorable, and the darndest epiphanies. 

Let's start with the DARNDEST EPIPHANIES, shall we?
1)  It's okay to believe folk who think you're awesome because you are.
2)  Your gut is your best friend; always trust it.
3)  Know your own weaknesses and work on conquering them.
4)  Avoidance is a comfortable strategy, but it's run its course; there must be a better way!
5)  You're in control of your personal space; only allow those into your space with whom you can enjoy life!
7)  Stress is real.
8)  Balance is essential; including levels of serotonin, work, and play.
9)  Accept everyone for who they are, especially your relatives, ignorant people, cheaters, and liars; save yourself a bunch of grief.
10)  It's okay to love freely, just be sure to love yourself first, and keep a "long-handled spoon" nearby.

*****BONUS: Confront obstacles in your way AND move past them; repeat as necessary*****

Okay, so I'll get back with ya on both the good and the memorable.  This (like my Book #4) is taking a little longer than I expected, LOL! 

Chat again, soon!  But remember, you really are awesome, just like me =)
Thanks for stopping by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Oh, and don't be afraid to change the plan; you have to do it from time to time, in order to meet your goals.

Monday, November 25, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving!  Click here to celebrate a HAPPY THANKSGIVING with me.

The Thanksgiving Holiday brings about so many mixed emotions for me.  Sometimes, I'm overwhelmed, once my mind starts racing...  This year, however, I can feel that it will be a beautiful time.  A time that will allow me to relax, feel safe and more loved than ever before, cherish every memory-happy & sad, while moving forward through this journey called Life.  Let us all take a moment to count our blessings, say THANKS, and show love to one another.  There's no other way, if you think about it.

Only love, peace, and joy to all.
God Bless Everyone!


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pharmacy: Let's get to work!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Who's Filling YOUR Prescription: Part III

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!  As I realize that I am getting my mojo back, after enduring long bouts of trouble with concentration, I was reading over some very important documents this week.  I wasn't truly stunned, but I have to say that I am disappointed in the leadership teams that allow such negligence and tolerate the pressures that come along with...

According to certain legislation (Pharmacy Practice Act), incompetence is actually grounds for discipline named as "Unlawful practice."  Violations can be categorized as felonies, while also violating other pharmacy and drug laws.  Therefore, I still question pharmacists who allow, what I refer to as "Bootleg Pharm Techs," to work in their pharmacies, retail or otherwise; I smell another book coming on...

Not to be judgmental... As a piece of constructive criticism, I must say... When a pharmacy tech instructor makes a recommendations about a students, it's probably in the best interest of the learning institution to take heed to such recommendation.  Therefore, long before a pharmacist identifies the fact, someone else in a position of authority either knew or should have known that a pharmacy technician is/was incapable of performing necessary pharmacy duties.

Meanwhile, I'm off to finish up some academic work of my own.

Thanks for stopping by!  Tootles!!!!


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Keep Bill Nelson

Whether it's

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Peek-a-boo! I'm on Facebook, too!

As promised, here is the link to my HEALTH EDUCATION TIPS Page on Facebook... Check it out and learn something new!

Too legit to quit!

First, I want to thank you all for your support.  Secondly, much of my work and updates can be found in alternative locations, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon.  I will post a link to my Facebook "Health Education Tips" Page after this post. 

Meanwhile,  I think it is EXTREMELY important for consumers to research professional information about legitimate healthcare providers.  Therefore, I am providing this link for you to use.  It will help you obtain the status of your healthcare provider (MD, nurse, physical therapist, etc.) and their contact information.
 Legit or Not? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT...

As usual, thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hope to see you at my book-signing 
this weekend!!!

To RSVP or to order your personally signed copy 
===> CLICK HERE to seal your deal!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pharm Tech Ready?

CLICK HERE to test your pharmacy technician skills, using the exam I wrote.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

FDA & cosmetics/Pharmacy audits

There I go, speaking out again about pharmacy law & policy, the work I teach future technicians to perform, the writing I will one day publish for cosmetic companies, and the regulatory projects that I'm ready to take on.Let me explain... CLICK HERE!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Can you pronounce the medications you take?

As an educator, I rarely get a chance to go over certain key points, due to certain circumstances beyond my control.  But I believe that everyone, especially the students that I teach and train to be pharmacy technicians need to be capable of discussions that include drug names.

Here's my cue to to chime in and help out!  Look forward to more of my video clips that explain brand and generic name drugs, their categories, pharmacy law and policy, and even some anatomy and physiology.  Yes, I know.  I love education a little too much...
So, click here and Let's go to school!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Meet Domanique Culpepper


They say I don't look like I was ever in the Navy.  They ask me why I don't model.  They don't believe me, when I tell them I have a Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management, a Master of Science in Public Administration, Registered Health Information Management Administrator certification, teaching as a Licensed Pharmacy Technician Instructor, and currently on a hiatus from post-grad work in Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy.

Maybe my fan base isn't all that strong, just yet.  However, one day, I will be DR. PEPPER!

For now, we'll just keep it moving with what we have, stepping it up a notch, of course ;-)
Thanks for stopping by!!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Pharmacy, Academia, & Healthcare

Attention Pharmacies, Academic Institutions, and Healthcare Facilities!  

Be sure to explore your options for administrative and academic leadership.  

Click here for details.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Because she rocks!

May 29th marks the day of an International-World-renowned Holiday, representing the day a special star arose. ~Now, for a moment of silence~


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Eyelash Extension & Infection

There are some women in the world with THE most amazing eyelashes.  Mine aren't all that amazing, but I'm rather pleased with them, myself.  For those who choose to wear false eyelashes or eyelash extensions should know and understand why they're at risk of eye irritation and infection.  Dangerous chemicals, such as formaldehyde found in the glue used to attach eyelash extensions, have been identified as culprits.  Channel 9 News tells more. Click HERE!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

ABORTION Pill & 15 year-olds

The ABORTION pill, otherwise known as PLAN B, has been deemed accessible to anyone who is at least 15 years old, including YOUR child.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, your kid can get a hold of PLAN B without a prescription and without your knowledge.   The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lowered the age limit for Plan B One-Step emergency contraception from 17 years-old, making it available without a prescription to girls as young as 15 years-old.

Instead of PLAN B being stored behind the pharmacy counter, your little girl can get it off of the shelf, herself, and purchase it; as long as she can produce a government-issued identification to verify her age, she can purchase it, and go on about her business.

My question is, which 15 year-olds have a copy of their birth certificate or government-issued identification to show at the cash register?  I'm interested to see how this unfolds... My guess is it's... Time to talk about sex! Click here to learn more!!!

As usual, thanks for stopping by!

Monday, April 15, 2013



Chat with me and receive 1 CEU via Teleconference on HIPAA = tomorrow, April 16, 2013 at noon.  You will need the "Dial-in Number" and "Access Code."

Here's how to register: 1) Message me, or
                                 2) Choose the HIPAA option from the menu ====>


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Keep it on the low!

The bottom line is we are all constantly trying to keep current with our Continuing Education Units (CEU's).  So, in the process of discussing Patient Confidentiality in a Pharmacy Setting, you can learn and earn.  Click here to book me!


Lose to Win!

Certain songs provoke your thought process.  And since LOVE & disappointment come in so many different forms, remember this... Sometimes you have to lose to win again!  Tootles!

Click here & jam to a reminder!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pharmacy Pitstop

A couple of my students joined me on a visit to Empire Specialty Pharmacy, in Cocoa, Florida. Ask for "Rao," the pharmacist/owner. You can take a sneak peak at the services by CLICKING HERE!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Who's filling YOUR prescriptions, Part 2

Oppose HB 671, Kill HB 671 or Stop HB 671

This isn't basket weaving that we're talking about, here!  People's lives are dependent upon our skill.  If every prescription that a pharmacy technician fills has to be (legally) checked by a pharmacist, then why on Earth would it be safe to force one pharmacist to supervise six technicians?  If we don't convince the legislators by March 22, 2013, this could be our new reality, here in Florida.

 Sure, its cheaper for pharmacies to compensate more technicians than pharmacists.  However, medication errors that are likely to occur will more than likely cost pharmacies far more than compensating at least two pharmacists to supervise six technicians.

Having worked for a pharmacy chain as a pharmacy technician, the rush to fill as many prescriptions as quickly as possible is far too familiar.  My question is, WHAT ABOUT PATIENT SAFETY?  CAN FLORIDA RESIDENTS COUNT ON THEIR LEGISLATORS TO MAKE A RESPONSIBLE DECISION BY SQUASHING House Bill 671? Considering the public health threat, we certainly hope so!
Therefore, House Bill 671 is not a healthy policy and should be defeated.   Still not convinced, well click ====>Who's filling YOUR prescriptions to find out more.

Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, March 15, 2013

Schedule pills & vibrations: There's an app for that!

What do you mean, you didn't know?!  Of course, there's an app for that!  Nowadays, the average person for sure owns or has access to a mobile phone, even if they don't have a computer at home or know how to use any of the word processing programs commonly offered by Microsoft and Apple.  Yet and still, folk are able to Tweet, post to Facebook, and bank online.  So, why not schedule pills and vibrations on your mobile phone, too?!  One way to find out more is by clicking ==> OF COURSE, THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT! 

As an instructor, responsible for teaching pharmacy topics to individuals from all walks of life, I can attest to the fact that the “less educated” may be more technology advanced and connected than they get credit for, especially when it comes to mobile telephones and software.

For example, my average student does not own and/or is not proficient in word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations.  However, they can download software, and check their Facebook statuses on their mobile telephones faster than you can say, “Is there an app for that?”  This ground-breaking discovery can make all the difference!

Therefore, I am still compelled to continue my pursuit of increasing awareness about pharmaceutical products, outcomes, and the policy that govern.  I do so because I truly believe that education and awareness are key in improving health outcomes.  Likewise, I believe that favorable outcomes can help drive down the cost of healthcare and yield more productivity from society; by that I mean sick people cannot reach their optimal capacity like they could when/if they are healthy.

To me, it is important to equip each patient with at least enough knowledge to make healthy choices about the way they take their medications and preserve their own health.  As a result, I propose that we all use any appropriate outlet to inform patients and other healthcare providers about resources, such as,, and, which are geared toward connecting patients with resources empower them with the ability to get/stay current with healthcare and technology trends, which can in turn help them (and their family members) and monitor their own progress in the sustainment of life.
Once communication between patients and healthcare providers improves, and patients are connected to better resources, perhaps a less tense platform for communication will come about, as a result.  This can become a reality, as patients start to feel comfortable communicating with healthcare providers; access to the latest mobile telephone software related to medications is a big step in the right direction.   
 Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Easy2Read Medical Articles

The Month of MARCH is reserved for the acknowledgement and celebration of National Brain Injury Awareness Month. Though I haven't published anything on this particular topic, there are other medical-related articles of mine that you can peruse by clicking ===> Domanique's Articles

Thanks for stopping by :) Cheers!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Work it!

Your body is your temple. 
Pay attention to how you treat it.  
A personal trainer can help, or you can 
just have a field day at the gym, minus a crowd of spectators ;-)  
Think about it!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cruise Away Stress

Recently, I have had little time to post as much as I would have liked.  However, I have been doing a better job (at least in my mind) at balancing my the stress that comes along with my personal and professional responsibilities.  Meanwhile, a friend of mine, at Gadabout Travel, has been busy sharing wonderful travel packages and entertaining us with their catchy music video, performed by their sales team and based on a catchy chorus!  Remember, whatever it takes to keep your stress in check, do it!  Also,  WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW, and and call your agent ;-)

Thanks for stopping by, Tootles!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Mental Illness: Is It a Crime?

The million dollar question is, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH THOSE PEOPLE?”  The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) continues to stack cases against itself, and it seems that not even the Department of Justice can force the LAPD to bring its abusive shenanigans to a halt.  According to the Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice, patterns of excessive force by the LAPD were identified as early as May 2000.  Meanwhile, those patterns of excessive force continue to be perpetuated by the LAPD, as recently demonstrated in the July 22, 2012 killing of Ms. Alesia Thomas. 

Police and fire departments have been considered a “safe haven” for innocent babies for years, now.  Certainly, there was nothing criminal about a mother leaving her children at a local police department, especially when she was suffering from a mental illness and felt incapable of caring for them herself.  Why not receive the children and place them in a loving home?  Why hunt down the children's mother and beat her to death?  Is this how motherly pleas for help are rewarded in Los Angeles, California?  Well, according to the LAPD Chief of Police, who takes the tone of a good 'ole “Mr. Charlie,” the Department is not required by California statutes to disclose any evidence associated with the death of Ms. Thomas.  The Chief's tone in expressing such statement is clearly evasive and uncooperative, and lacks regard for circumstances surrounding Ms. Thomas' demise.  In fact, the Chief fails to demonstrate any compassion at all, as he refers to Ms. Thomas' death as “The July 22, 2012 incident” claiming that the investigation is still on-going.  Perhaps, future police training at LAPD should include a workshop on tact and decorum.  However, the likelihood of that happening is probably close to nil. 

Meanwhile, Ms. Thomas’ family has been unable to realize any level of peace, since there is no hope of closure, more than six months after her death.  Two children are now motherless because of the abuse and neglect of men and women who call themselves “officers of law enforcement.”  This and other cases like it are nauseating, mainly due to the blatant lack of accountability.  Someone needs to grow a pair, and rebuild the LAPD with law-abiding, disciplined, ethical police officers and leaders.  And they might want to get it down soon, before the public gets too riled up.  But then again, it may take another Rodney King-Riot, to get “those people” to get a clue about implementing justice.

Until then, the overzealous civil rights Attorney Benjamin Crump is on the job, making countless inquiries of the justice system to intercede.  Attorney Crump has managed to obtain more than 10,000 signatures for his online petition within the first day, in addition to support of the New York Times, and a LAPD officer, who witnessed the attack against Ms. Thomas and the moments following her death.  All he is asking is for the LAPD to provide a simple explanation of facts, delineating exactly what happened to Ms. Alesia Thomas on July 22, 2012, while she was in the custody of LAPD's officers.  Such a question is rather simple, even to the lay person.  Ms. Thomas' family has a right to know.  So, why does it take such a renowned attorney, known for winning lawsuits across the United States to initiate simple justice?  If each member of the LAPD is doing their job, as esteemed, competent employees and officers of law enforcement, then adequate documentation of such a serious event would be readily accessible, an assessment could be expeditiously completed, and a solution would implemented.  So again, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THOSE PEOPLE and why is it taking so long to disclose all that happened to Ms. Alesia Thomas on the night of July 22, 2012?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Obama Part II: Blacks, Latinos, gays, & military

It is quite the honor and pleasure to observe this weekend and today as a celebration of freedom for my people.  How apropos it is that our 44th President, the intelligent, skillful, debonair, distinguished, and Black President Barack H. Obama is delivering his inaugural speech at 12:11 p.m. today.  On the day that we nationally celebrate the birthday of our great civil rights leader, the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In the past, medical injustices, such as the Tuskeegee Experiment, plagued the African-American community.  As a result, the American Medical Association was able to develop diagnostic and treatment protocols for the bacterial disease called, "Syphilis," courtesy of, but unconsentually through my people. 

So, you bet I am motivated to research and write about patient rights, health disparities and the impact of pharmacogenomics on health care choices, especially patient choices on medication use.  As a United States Navy Veteran, woman of color, with an overwhelming passion for writing and studying pharmaceutical outcomes, policy, & research, I have finally concluded that it is my duty to heighten awareness of such injustices, while introducing helpful information to the public that can aid in making more intelligent decisions about health and options to healthcare.  Besides, there was a time when I would have been prohibited from learning to read and write.  Now, I openly, legally, and zealously write every chance I get, and without reprimand.  Some love it, and the others do not matter much ;-)

As our President pointed out today, our journey is not complete until equality is actually reached.  To me this includes access to healthcare, health information, and education as well as military enlistment, discharge, and treatment of military veterans.  Meanwhile, I am standing by, readily available to document injustices and
overcome them with the sword of literacy.  Won't you join me?

Find out how to receive notifications and copies of my posts by sending me a simple email message.  Please type DOMZ WORK in the subject line and EMAIL ME by clicking HERE!

Now, let's CELEBRATE our 44th President and our freedom =)  Thanks again for stopping by!!!! 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Rest or Arrest

Rest now or your body will force you to later.  Start by choosing to do the things that make your heart smile, instead of depending on someone else to make your heart smile for you.  Think of things that bring you enjoyment (such as reading my articles ) and start doing those things.  If you're already doing things that make you happy, keep up the good work!  

Take a look at this link ====> TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF  for more step-by-step guidance on controlling your thoughts for the sake of your own health.

Thanks again for stopping by!  Salud!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Unprivate Fantasy

Fantasies are usually kept private, selectively shared with special individuals we trust.  For example, whenever your medical and pharmacy records, IRS, paystubs and banking statements, insurance and mortgage documents, or birth/death/marriage certificates are copied, you tend to have expectations, right?  My assumption, similar to my own expectation, is that you expect your copies to be accessible to a select few and particularly authorized individuals.  Well, honey... I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it appears that everyone who shares our expectation is living in a fantasy land of oblivion.

It's sad, infuriating, and unfair, but I'm afraid it's true.  Here's a video from CBS News explaining how ====> UNPRIVATE our personal business really is =( 

As usual, thanks for stopping by!  See ya soon ;-)