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Friday, October 21, 2011

Anti-HIV gel for women!

A vaginal gel that reduces a woman's risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)?! And it's even more effective against genital herpes as it is HIV?!

Yes, it's true.

The name of the gel is "Tenofovir Gel." It works by penetrating the skin and disrupting an enzyme that the Virus needs to duplicate itself.

The bad news is that it has not been FDA-approved yet, Sorry! We can expect a minimum 4-year wait before Tenofovir Gel is available =(

Click on the title (Anti-HIV gel for women) above for details ;-)

1 comment:

Faithful Catholic said...

Being with only 1 partner -- and being married to that person first -- is also a great way to not contract HIV, Herpes, or any other STD. It costs $0, doesn't need FDA approval, and is available now!