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Monday, November 28, 2011

SEX: A weapon or a benefit

Today, on the Michael Baisden Radio Show, Michael is discussing various issues related to sex. Some of those included women using sex as a weapon.

One of my sources reports that sex promotes quality sleep, which contributes control of weight and blood pressure. Sex can also help relieve stress, boost your immunity and strengthen muscles used in sexual activity! Oh, and ladies, you’ll need to come up with another excuse, because the “headache story” has been blown out of the water ;-) Apparently, sex causes a substantial release of oxytocin and endorphins (which makes you feel high) that help reduce the feeling of pain, once you’re done having intercourse, and hopefully reach an orgasm.

Personally, I believe that the “sensible” woman would never use sex as a weapon, although it may be perceived that way when she doesn’t respond to sexual advances because she’s simply NOT aroused. So, why isn’t she aroused? Who knows! But it could have something to do with her partner failing to make her feel special and significant. The bottom line is, when a woman feels appreciated and loved, she is more likely to shower her partner (husband) with all the loving he can handle. A courtesy facial may even follow!

Remember, love is motivating ;-)
Click the title above (SEX: A weapon or a benefit) for additional details.

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