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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Doctor Office Issues

How do you feel about your doctor's staff? How do you feel about your doctor?

I'm hoping your responses are positive and happy, but I'm not naive enough to expect it. The truth is, either your doctor's staff and/or you doctor is/are likely to cause you negative feelings. (Sorry to be the bearer of bad news).

But, I love my doctor! What could possibly cause me to feel negatively about my doctor? Here are a few potential examples:

1) Difficulty communicating with staff;
2) Unable to reach a live person via their 24-hour on-call service;
3) Failure to follow your insurance plan's protocol, resulting in your inability to receive your prescriptions; 
4) Broken promises to call in your prescription to a pharmacy; or
5) Doctor's failure to answer your questions and/or provide you with the resources necessary to improve your medical condition; just to name a few.

Chances are you (or your child/loved one) are probably not feeling well. So, the last thing you need is for processes to run in inefficiently. So what are you going to do? Complaining is useless, unless you are willing to actually do something about it. Things you CAN DO:

1) Take advantage of your time and Express your concerns directly to your doctor;
2) If things don't change, write a letter to your insurance plan, explaining your concerns;
3) Shop around for another doctor/healthcare provider;
4) It doesn't matter if your health insurance plan is Medicaid, Medicare, Tricare, Aetna, Cigna, etc.;
5) Always remember, IT'S YOUR DIME FOR THEIR TIME. Your doctor owes you appropriate service.

...and come back to see me, soon!

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