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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sex Matters

Actually, sex (not necessarily size) does matter.  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is actively working toward  determining differences in how drugs work, based on sex.

For example, FDA reports that medications containing zolpidem (Ambien's generic), like other sleeping aids, affect women more than men.  Since sleeping aids have been proven to exit the body slower in women than men.  Women tend to be more vulnerable.  But just because women are more likely to be affected by side effects of sleep aids, doesn't mean that men can use sleep aids without any risk of feeling side effects.  Also, please note that failure to feel or experience any side effects does not decrease the chance of impaired judgement or the ability to drive/operate heavy machinery.

So, take your medication as prescribed, and be careful out there! That way, you can pay me a return visit :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most of careful-- everything that's legal & moral in moderation-- keeps you safe & healthy:)

Y'all have a beautiful day--- do something unexpectedly nice for someone.
