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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

In Case You're Wondering: Glad I Served!

Hello Everyone and thanks again for stopping by to see me!  I just wanted to share a quick point with you.  If you're wondering why you served in our United States Military or if you should serve, let me be the first to say, "DO IT!"  I won't kid you, it will be tough and you will endure situations that you never thought you could handle.  But the reward is worth it!

Not only will you receive dynamic training that sets you a cut above your civilian peers, but you'll feel a sense of pride, once you're done.  Personally, my time in service has made me eligible for benefits that have made an overwhelming difference in my life.  As a result, I received the best prenatal healthcare, which facilitated the full-term birth of my beloved son.

It's just he and I now, but organizations like the American Legion, have helped tremendously with our transition.  I urge you to become a member. Get involved! Besides, you never know when or if you may need assistance.

Thanks for stopping by! 

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