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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Feminism: Goose & Gander

Yes, we are women, and yes we are held to a higher moral standard...infidelity, morals, gender expectations, and such... and I could go on about that! My point today is that as women, we should be more vigilant about taking care of our bodies, especially our vaginas.

Let me first preface my next comment with a note that I do believe individuals engaged in sexual intercourse should be married to one another, and that no third party should ever be introduced into such intimacy. HOWEVER, I'm not naive enough to think that such activities are not taking place. So, having said that, let me say this...

WOMEN, let's not rely on men to bring condoms to the "bed." In fact, we should not be relying on them for too much, anyway! At least, not 100% because it's not fair, and is guaranteed to lead to a heartache in the end...but that's another story...which I'm sure to cover more of in my 4th book.

Now, let's focus on the fact that we are fortunate enough to have an option of the FEMALE CONDOM, nowadays, as opposed to focusing only on male (penile) condoms. It's pretty much the same principle, except the female condom lines the inside of a woman's vagina, as opposed to tightly enclosing a penis. Just try it and decide whether you and your husband/partner like it.

So, maybe it's true. What's good for the goose is good for the gander ;-)

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