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Monday, December 10, 2012

Private sweat

It's called "hyperhidrosis,"otherwise known as a condition of excessive sweat.  As discussed today on the T.V. program called "The Doctors," excessive sweat tends to cause body odor.  The type of odor produced is dependent on the body area that sweats, such as armpits and private areas.  However, there are ways to prevent such embarrassing odors from occurring.  One way that was discussed today is for women to wear cotton panties, with or without a pantyliner; careful that the panties are not too tight, which can cause additional sweating.

Other tactics that help reduce body odor include frequent bathing and personal hygiene.  Also, application of baby powder can help reduce wetness that can be responsible for body odor.

This topic reminds me of an episode of the T.V. series called, "Shahs of Sunset," when Lilly encountered "crotch juice" on one of her designs that was used during a previous fitting.  I can definitely understand her concern.  However, let us remember that Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) within bodily fluids of HIV+ individuals would not transmit HIV onto garments; other infections, such as STDs, is another matter. 

Consequently, wearing such a contaminated garment would not infect the next person with HIV.  ON THE OTHER HAND, I do NOT condone wearing intimate garments worn by others, ESPECIALLY when they have not been cleaned... pantyliner or not!

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