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Friday, August 26, 2011


Self-esteem plays a critical role in health choices, such as the level of involvement with violence. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) put together a "Self Esteem Survey," which can be used to assess individual levels of self-esteem. A few of the items included in the survey were: positive attitude and satisfaction toward oneself, perceived number of good qualities, whether feelings of failure are present, and whether there are any reasons to feel proud.

Today, I want you to ponder on these things. Take a moment to think about your self worth. If you haven't already, try to figure out your gift. Then use it and use it wisely. For example, my gifts are learning, educating people, and writing. Despite adversity, I continue to educate and write, which also allows me to effectively express myself and touch others, without oppression. Hence, my contributions to this blog, Florida Today, and my published books. Consequently, I am routinely requested for assistance with administrative/research projects. Personally, I've decided to take part in activities where my gifts can be used and not exploited.

***I hope this information has been a help to you on this fine, fine, Friday! Enjoy your weekend!!!***

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