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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Violence in the workplace

I was teaching anatomy and physiology at a technical school in Atlanta, Georgia, when I was verbally abused on at least 4 occasions. My supervisor "encouraged" me not to call security again. Instead, she insisted that I call her on her cell phone, even though she was usually at home during my classes that ran from 6pm to 10pm. When a male student began to yell at me after, receiving a failing test grade, he began making gestures and comments that made me uncomfortable. After trying to diffuse the situation outside the classroom, the student blocked the doorway and used his foot to hold the door shut. Students were unable to get out of the class, and I was unable to get in. Eventually, a bigger male student came to my rescue and I retreated to the teacher's lounge. I was later reprimanded for filing a police report against the student.

Is it fair? Of course not. But apparently, many people feel that it's just part of the job. Nurses, for example, are also at risk of violence in the workplace. In fact, one source reports that 50% of the time, no action is taken against attackers. It's sad, but while 80% of attacks occur in patient rooms, 75% of attacked nurses reported that hospital leaders never responded to their safety needs. A Zero Tolerance policy should be implemented by every employer, and force should be used whenever necessary. Remember, safety first!


Tam said...

While violence in the workplace has increased throughout the US, apparently, ignorance
has also. I believe your superior should have been fired for coming down on you in regards to this potentially dangerous incident. You were doing something that “they” should have been doing, and it’s called “protecting yourself and others”. Oh, I’m sorry; it wasn’t one of their loved ones in danger. Now the subliminal message is so clear, “WE DON”T CARE”! You know, I just don’t understand upper management and the people that trust them to do the right thing in these positions…………

The world is in financial crisis, and this persuades people to do crazy things. I say “persuades” because we all have choices, which carries consequences.

Whether it is violence in the workplace involving a co-worker, or a citizen, we must have protection plans in place, policy and procedures, and escape routes.

In the interim, we must continue to respect one another, and treat people the way we want to be treated. This does not mean, be a door mat; however, we cannot mistreat people, and think we can get away with it. Let’s face it, people don’t fight fair anymore, and some do not need much of a reason to kill.

Domanique Culpepper said...

Oh, my! Now, that's a comment, right there! I concur 100% Thanks for your support =)