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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Avoid teeth staining

If you're 30+ years old, then chances are a young child has informed you of the yellowing of your teeth! So, if you're a wine drinker, coffee drinker, or tea drinker... LISTEN UP! Here's a tip that I learned from Dr. Oz about helping reduce the stains on your teeth.

In between sips of your "teeth-staining-beverage-of-choice," take a few sips of water and swish it around in your mouth. Of course you should also, brush your teeth (with toothpaste) after every meal, whenever possible. But also know that when you fall asleep at night without brushing your teeth, you're allowing stains to set in overnight that may not respond to toothpaste in the morning :-/

Basically, clean your teeth, in order to have a cleaner mouth and avoid stains on your teeth! See a dentist on a regular basis. That way, if there are any dead nerves or vessels in your teeth, you can make necessary arrangements to keep your teeth healthy and stain-free.

Take care, and SMILE!

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