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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Entitlement: According to you

So, your back hurts and you're having migraine headaches ALL the time. Or maybe it's your wrist, leg, or ankle. Whatever the ailment, maybe you're feeling like you're entitled to Social Security Disability. Well, according to Social Security Administration's (SSA) listings, maybe you do qualify!

Basically, SSA uses a list of diagnoses and corresponding qualifiers of each that serve as a set of criteria for determining whether an applicant is eligible to receive monetary benefits from the SSA fund. The process is usually lengthy, and can include a series of examinations, copies of medical records, and interviews. However, whether you qualify for SSA Disability benefits is not dependent on how serious you think your ailment is. As a former disability adjudicator, I can tell you that if a physician never documented your ailment in your medical record in a way that it meets a SSA listing, then you're probably not going to be approved for SSA Disability.

Furthermore, if you are receiving benefits for your child, who could otherwise function "normally," please stop telling them to "act crazy" when the social worker comes over for a home visit. The check might be helpful to you now, but the paper trail will only hinder your child in the future. Also, do realize that SSA Disability is not a retire plan! In other words, it's not an option for you just because you're tired of working. That's what 401K plans are for.

I could go on... and I probably will. But it will be an article specific for my subscribers. So, take advantage of the opportunity to subscribe to my work. I promise you will not be the same after reading what I have to say ;-)

To catch a glimpse of details about medical record documentation, click the title (Entitlement: According to you) above.

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