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Friday, December 16, 2011

Pneumonia: A fatal contraction

Good Morning and HAPPY FRIDAY!

Pneumonia: A fatal contraction... That's the title of the newest addition to my subscription of articles♥ Gotta love the way my mind works sometimes!

Within the article I discuss some of the various pneumonia types and causes; believe it or not, there are different ways to contract pneumonia! The focus of my article is on the deception and danger of pneumonia, as the everyday person may see it as just a cold. Since pneumonia kills an overwhelming number of people every year, I thought you all should have access to a well-organized summary about such a common disease, for which there is a vaccine, yet millions are dying from it, right here in the United States. As usual, I'm available to research your questions and provide the information that answers them... just remember to choose SPECIAL PROJECT from the PAYPAL drop-down menu, on the right side of the page ;-)

The phrase of the day is "nosocomial infection," meaning an infection developed while hospitalized. Check your medical records...

Oh, and get to the doctor with that ugly cough (me included)! Take care & HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

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