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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Beautiful Curse

How healthy is it for a beautiful woman to be with a man who despises her? Are men intimidated by beautiful women who actually have some smarts about themselves? Is a woman's place in the kitchen, still, in 2012? Personally, I think men are intimidated by beautiful women with smarts. I can even testify to the fact, since I happen to fit into the category of beautiful and smart, according to societal standards.

They stare, regardless. Regardless of whether they are with their wife, girlfriend, children, parents, colleagues, etc., they still stare. "You're so beautiful. Is it possible to get your digits, so we can talk sometime?" Then it picks up from there. He soon discovers that she is well-educated and highly qualified for almost any career. Then comes the condescending remarks about her "independence." The accusations about her "not needing a man," soon follow. It's an endless cycle that's sickening to watch.

So, why the animosity? Perhaps, both men and women are struggling within themselves to fight the attraction they have for beautiful women with smarts; not all beautiful women are gold-digging hoochies, ya know. This issue gets serious though, when jealousy turns into envy. Last year, I learned the difference between jealousy and envy from Pastor Creflo Dollar; I love that teaching preacher! Basically, he explained that jealousy is wanting what someone else has. However, it's no longer jealousy, but yet ENVY, when someone pursues you, in order to take what you have or block your plans.

So, is it fair to trigger depression and Avoidant personality disorder in another, due to your own insecurities? Of course, not! So, stop it! Pray, talk it over, or seek counseling. Whatever it is that you need to do to become a better you, do it. But please, stop blaming the beautiful people for your problems.

So, what's the solution to this dilemma? Clearly, it's a multi-faceted issue. Therefore, a careful and comprehensive approach is required. My concern is time. How long will it take before correction is introduced to and accepted by various cultures?

Meanwhile, beautiful women are left to endure degradation by insecure men and women, many of whom call themselves "Christians."

Believe me, I was sure to cover this topic in Book #3, which is currently in the proofing stage, due to be published soon. Hope to see you at my BOOK SIGNING PARTY!

Click on the above title (A Beautiful Curse) for more details on Avoidant personality disorder. And yes, there's a medical code for this one, too ;-)

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