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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Veteran's PTSD Thanks!

Today, I was informed that our wonderful military, responsible for fostering a less than favorable working environment for me for nearly FOUR (4) excruciating years, has 100% denied any role in the PTSD diagnosis of a certain service member during military tenure.

From this blatant disregard, it appears that repeated sexual harassment and discrimination of many types are excusable, acceptable, and those who resist will continue to be black-balled... That it's okay-especially if another trauma occurred prior to enlistment and no treatment or diagnosis was ever established-to retaliate against individuality. "What ever happened to "accountability," I say!

Anywho, Thanks a bunch U.S. Military!!!  At least, now I know that the maltreatment I endured was never my fault, and that it is indeed okay for me to be smart AND pretty ;-)

To my beloved active-duty and veteran victims: HANG IN THERE!  You'll overcome the oppression, at some point. Stay strong & God Bless.

Come back to see me, soon! Tootles!!!

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