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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Extraordinarily Unslaved

12 YEARS A SLAVE: My, how some things have changed.

It is another snippet of history that synergizes me as I strive for excellence, insisting on honoring my grandmother. She has picked cotton many days of her life, worked as a maid, and endured countless injustices, all while doing everything within her power to make sure I have every advantage possible. Nutritional foods, shelter, clothing, education, a hearty spirit, and good hygiene; "Patsey" suffered an atrociously physical and mental breakdown, despite her "master's" affection and her remarkably significant contribution of labor, over a bar of soap.

For that, and years of enduring my own disparities, I can not sit idly by and allow maltreatment unto me by anyone, no matter the color, position, size, or beliefs of my aggressor. My ancestors have afforded me such confidence. I have since earned additional rank through efforts of my own.

Subsequently, I will have my bar of soap, in addition to a surplus of valuable resources. So, do not dare tell me I should be satisfied with what is given to me, especially when I know I have earned even more and that I am entitled to that which is beyond measure.

I am extraordinary. I will not apologize for being extraordinary. Not now. Not ever.

To God I pray and give constant gratitude for my countless blessings, including my right to free speech. To stand up for myself, and now, for my unborn child.

See me, soon. And thanks for stopping by!

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